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Death is, after all, a very inexpensive means of avoiding anticlimax. Tension, as we saw, is symbolized in the sword of Damocles; and it can always be maintained, in a mechanical way, by letting your hero play about with a revolver, or placing an overdose of chloral well within your heroine's reach.

"My!" she exclaimed suddenly, with a look of alarm, "if he han't bin an' drunk up all the tinctur' o' rhubarb! An' the laudanum-bottle standin' close beside it too! What a mercy he didn't drink that! Well, lucky for him there wasn't much in it, for an overdose of anything in his state would be serious."

He sat watching the fire, seeing none of her little love signals, and went home quite as wretched as he had come. Evidently, Sukey was the wrong remedy, though upon seeing her charms one would have felt almost justified in warranting her, no cure, no pay. Perhaps she was a too-willing remedy: an overdose of even the right drug may neutralize itself.

Nervous headaches are often cured by it, and it has, like coffee, been used as an antidote in opium-poisoning. Pass beyond the point of moderation, and it becomes an irritant, precisely in the same way that an overdose of morphine will, instead of putting to sleep, for just so much longer time prevent any sleep at all.

Opiates and other soothing medicines should never be given except when prescribed by the doctor. Thirty-two deaths in England under five years of age in 1882 represent but a very small part of the evil wrought by the overdose or injudicious use of these remedies.

You've been as ornery an' as compromisin' as it's possible for any human maverick to get without havin' to requisition the unwillin' mourners." "Not that I'm sayin' you're naturally bad, Texas. It's that you've got an overdose of what them modern brain specialists call exaggerated ego; which us common critters would call plain swell head.

"And the second suggestion? That Mrs. Inglethorp may have inadvertently taken an overdose?" "Three, or even four doses, would not have resulted in death. Mrs. Inglethorp always had an extra large amount of medicine made up at a time, as she dealt with Coot's, the Cash Chemists in Tadminster.

Susan had several times lifted a spoonful of soup to her lips and had every time lowered it untasted. "And Brent's mighty decent to those he tries and has to give up. I know of one woman he carried on his pay roll for nearly two years " "Let's drop Mr. Brent," cried Susan. "Tell me about about the play." "Rod must be giving you an overdose of that." "I've not seen much of him lately.

"After throwing off all suspicion," continued Priest, illustrating the process, "the next thing is to avoid an overdose. An overdose acts as an emetic, and makes a wise wolf. For that reason, you must pack the tallow in the auger hole, filling from a half to two thirds full. Force Mr. Wolf to lick it out, administer the poison slowly, and you are sure of his scalp.

Late that afternoon those in command at Kitsa decided to make another attempt to bring assistance to our hopeless position and at last ordered a mixed company of Russians and Cossacks to go forward in the attempt. After issuing an overdose of rum to all, the commander made a stirring address, calling upon them to do or die in behalf of their comrades in such great danger.