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If the composer's sincere conception of his art and of its functions and ideals, coincide to such an extent with these groove-colored permutations of tried out progressions in expediency, that he can arrange them over and over again to his transcendent delight has he or has he not been drugged with an overdose of habit-forming sounds?

For the passengers knew that something was amiss: I was conscious of a sudden tension. With the curtains closed the porter was more himself; he wiped his lips with a handkerchief and stood erect. "It's my last trip in this car," he remarked heavily. "There's something wrong with that berth. Last trip the woman in it took an overdose of some sleeping stuff, and we found her, jes' like that, dead!

Thirty-three small-pica lines of telegraphic news in a daily journal in a King's Capital of one hundred and seventy thousand inhabitants is surely not an overdose.

The money-market grows "tight," as it is phrased; the money-world feels generally as if it had taken an overdose of persimmons. Merchants and dealers, shorn of their usual accommodations, are compelled to borrow at ruinous usuries, or to fail to meet their payments. Their default involves others; others fail, and others again.

As he had been in the habit of taking chloral the Coroner's jury agreed upon the theory of an overdose. Yes, Mrs Gildea could quite understand that apart from general views on the marriage question, Lady Bridget O'Hara might well shrink from further connection with City finance.

Thus, under its influence, natives of the East become greatly exhilarated, then debased, and finally violent, rushing forth on the streets with the cry, 'Amok, amok, Kill, kill as we say, 'running amuck. An overdose of this drug often causes insanity, while in small quantities our doctors use it as a medicine.

I wonder, I wonder if " But she got no farther with that thought. "I shall hate everything on earth if it goes from me, the beauty of things; and I feel that it is going. The freshness of sense has gone, somehow. I am not stirred as I used to be, not by the same things. If I lose that sense I shall kill myself. Perhaps that would be the easiest way now. Just the overdose of "

. . . While I write, my heart is sore for a great calamity just befallen poor Rossetti, which I only heard of last night his wife, who had been, as an invalid, in the habit of taking laudanum, swallowed an overdose was found by the poor fellow on his return from the working-men's class in the evening, under the effects of it help was called in, the stomach-pump used; but she died in the night, about a week ago.

It was well for him that he lived no longer; his business had continued to dwindle, and the last months of the poor man's life were embittered by the prospect of inevitable bankruptcy. He died of an overdose of some opiate, which the anguish of sleeplessness brought him into the habit of taking.

He had made it seem an accidental death due to an overdose of the narcotic she employed, but he had not been able to obliterate altogether the beginnings of his divorce proceedings. There had been talk on the part of clerks and possible witnesses. But of all that I need not tell you here; what matters is that Justin and I could meet without hatred or violence.