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A shup o' ours was un tull Auckland recently an' uncurred no such charge. We beg tull advise you thot we conseeder thus pilotage an onnecessary expense which should no be uncurred un the future." "But dud they say a word tull me for the fufteen pounds I saved tull them? No a word.

"Oh, if she's got away, I know where she's gone." "Yes, I'll bet you do. Some folks has a heap of onnecessary learnin'." There was no demand upon Melissa's supply of undervalued information. The cow was mooing reproachfully in a cropped circle of musky alfilaria behind the shed.

The son is settin in its horizon, and its gorjus light pores in a golden meller flud through the winders, and makes the young lady twict as beautiful nor what she was before, which is onnecessary. She is magnificently dressed up in a Berage basque, with poplin trimmins, More Antique, Ball Morals and 3 ply carpeting. Also, considerable gauze.

"Lookee here, old chap," said Joe, bending over me. "Ever the best of friends; ain't us, Pip?" I was ashamed to answer him. "Wery good, then," said Joe, as if I had answered; "that's all right; that's agreed upon. Then why go into subjects, old chap, which as betwixt two sech must be for ever onnecessary? There's subjects enough as betwixt two sech, without onnecessary ones. Lord!

"A sartin amount o' punishment is needful, d'ye see, to keep 'em down; but I don't like slaughtering human bein's onnecessary like." "I'd skiver 'em all, I guess every one," observed Big Waller angrily. "They're a murderin', thievin' set o' varmints, as don't desarve to live nohow!" "Bah!" exclaimed Gibault in disgust; "you is most awferfully onfeelosophicule, as Bounce do say.

When I look at these little helpless souls that are left in a cold world with nothin' to stand between them and want but the small means their pa worked so hard for and left for the express purpose of takin' care of 'em, it seems to me a foolish thing, and a cruel thing, to spend all that money on what is entirely onnecessary." "Onnecessary!" sez Cephas, angrily.

Sic-a-one, the well-known genius, at present resident in the Home for Geniuses, has, contrairy to regulations, perseestently and obstinately refused to change his linen; and, if so, whether the Government proposes to take ony steps in the matter? The newspapers would report the discussion next mornin', an' so it would be made public withoot onnecessary ootlay."

Warrah, warrah, now isn't she a jewel? 'And so is Seraphenia. 'But has she the rid hair, that makes it onnecessary for them to have the candle lit at night? and has she the same beautiful freckles, the size of a ha'penny, on the face and the nose, that has such an iligant turn up at the end, that she used to hang her bonnet on it?

Out at the barn, Lysander, almost disabled by the accession of a stiff white shirt and collar, was perspiring heavily in his haste to harness the mules. "Minervy's got 'er heart set on havin' the Odd Fellers conduct the funer'l," he said apologetically. "Strikes me kind o' onnecessary, but 't won't do no harm, I s'pose. She says yer paw was an Odd Feller 'way back, but he ain't kep' it up.

"Wall, I dunno," sez I, "they're a rayther important part of the populashun. I don't scacely see how we could git along without 'em." "Us poor wimin folks would git along a grate deal better if there was no men!" "You'll excoos me, marm, but I don't think that air would work. It wouldn't be regler." "I'm fraid of men!" she sed. "That's onnecessary, marm. YOU ain't in no danger.