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But men wot studies human natur' an' langwidges, d'ye see, comes for to know that words is always gittin' onnecessary bits chopped off 'em sometimes at one end, sometimes at t'other. So they tuck off the B, d'ye see, an' made it foreground, and that's how we come to be foregrounds."

But ut was: 'Please explain thus onusual expunditure, an' tull Captun Robinson, 'We beg tull advise you thot we conseeder thus pilotage an onnecessary expense. "Dudna I cable them from Newcastle, tellun' them the old tank was thot foul she needed dry-dock? Seven months out o' drydock, an' the West Coast the quickest place for foulun' un the world.

"Is he right, that man?" "Dear Joe, he is always right." "Well, old chap," said Joe, "then abide by your words. Theerfore, think no more of it as betwixt two sech, and do not let us pass remarks upon onnecessary subjects. Both of which," said Joe, quite charmed with his logical arrangement, "being done, now this to you a true friend, say. Namely.

There's them as jest keeps the steam down a workin' the whole machinery patient and stiddy; but Bede, he's allays a histin' the cover, and lettin' on't out in one general bust, and I reckon that was what he did when he was a talkin' with the fisherman; he histed up the cover and let off a good deal of onnecessary steam, but he come to the right point in the end; that the fisherman had made a mistake thar', too, and as near as I can make out this Dave Rollin was kind o' took back and disappointed.

"'Tis too early and too cowld," said Pat, interrupting this reminiscence, "for the master to be goin' out. And he doesn't like bein' put out of his habits, not by the half of a second. I used to think before I was a soldier that punctuality was the most onnecessary thing on earth, but I've come to like it somehow." "The same here," said Bridget, "though it wasn't in my blood.

"'That's what they all says, puts in Boggs, who's a mighty impatient man. 'I shorely notes no reason why we-alls can't proceed with this yere lynchin' at once. S'pose this Cherokee ain't stood up no stage; he's done plenty of other things as merits death. It strikes me thar's a sight of onnecessary talk yere."