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The cessation of anxiety was itself a sort of happiness. The long, hard ordeal to which the truth had subjected him had ended triumphantly. "Mighty onexpected things happen in this worl'," he said, reflectively. "It 'pears powerful cur'ous to me, arter all ez hev come an' gone, ez I ain't no loser by that thar gold mine down the ravine."

"A mighty onexpected visitor," chuckled Jerry. "But, if she was scar't, she warn't plumb stunned in her tracks no, sir! She gave a leap for the door and she swung it shut right against Mr. B'ar's nose. And then she barred it." "Brave girl," said Mrs. Murchiston. "I reckon so, ma'am," agreed the guide.

And he hollered out agin, "Why hain't there any Hall's salve?" Sez I, "Because old Hall has been dead for years and years, and hain't made any salve." "Wall, he wouldn't have been dead if he had had any care took of him," he yelled out. "Why," sez I, "he wuz killed by lightnin'; struck down entirely onexpected five years ago last summer." "Oh, argue and dispute with a dying man.

"Law, Mis' Smif, you sholy is got reason to be mighty thankful. Des' look how many young men dere is in dis town what ain't nevah been no 'count to dey pa'ents, ner anybody else." "Well, it's onexpected, Lizy, an' hit's 'spected. 'Rastus allus wuz a wonnerful chil', an' de way he tuk to work an' study kin' o' promised something f'om de commencement, an' I 'lowed mebbe he tu'n out a preachah."

Yere we- alls finds ourse'fs possessed of an onexpected child of tender years; an' the question nacheral enough is, whatever'll we do with it? "'Let's maverick it, says Dan Boggs, who's a mighty good man, but onthinkful that a-way.

As it is, when we want to fight we've got to crawl slowly from place to place, an' make roads for our wagins, an' big guns, an' supplies, to go along with us; but if we'd got wings why, the first fire eatin' great man that could lead his fellows by the nose would only have to give the word, when up would start a whole army o' men, like some thousand Jack-in-the-boxes, an' away they'd go to some place they'd took a fancy to, an' down they'd come, all of a heap, quite onexpected take their enemy by surprise, sweep him off the face o' the 'arth, and enter into possession."

"You've the best of it, Huron," returned Deerslayer, stepping steadily from the canoe, and passively following his leader to the open area of the point; "Providence has helped you in an onexpected manner. I'm your prisoner ag'in, and I hope you'll allow that I'm as good at breaking gaol, as I am at keeping furloughs." "My young friend is a Moose!" exclaimed the Huron.

Afterward they washed and tied up the wounds, bathed the fevered face, and kept the mosquitoes from him by fanning them away. "Expect I'd better take a pasear an' see where Mr. Ute's at," Dud said. "He's liable to drap in onexpected while we're not lookin' several of him, huntin' for souvenirs in the scalp line for to decorate his belt with."

The naturalists drew up a paper on the "Probable Extinction of the Crotalus Durissus in the Township of Rockland." The engagement of the Widow Rowens to a Little Millionville merchant was announced, "Sudding 'n' onexpected," Widow Leech said, "waälthy, or she wouldn't ha' looked at him, fifty year old, if he is a day, 'n' ha'n't got a white hair in his head."

The naturalists drew up a paper on the "Probable Extinction of the Crotalus Durissus in the Township of Rockland." The engagement of the Widow Rowens to a Little Millionville merchant was announced, "Sudding 'n' onexpected," Widow Leech said, "waalthy, or she wouldn't ha' looked at him, fifty year old, if he is a day, 'n' hu'n't got a white hair in his head."