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The naturalists drew up a paper on the "Probable Extinction of the Crotalus Durissus in the Township of Rockland." The engagement of the Widow Rowens to a Little Millionville merchant was announced, "Sudding 'n' onexpected," Widow Leech said, "waalthy, or she wouldn't ha' looked at him, fifty year old, if he is a day, 'n' hu'n't got a white hair in his head."

But I tell you, for a man who has live people to deal with, and hearts that are beating even while he handles them, a man who can go into families and pull up by the roots all the mysteries of their dead generations and their living sons' and daughters' secret history, responsible for what he says, here and elsewhere, open to a libel suit, if he isn't pretty careful in his personalities, or to a visit from a brother or other relative, wishing to know, Sir, and so forth, or to a paragraph in the leading journal of that whispering-gallery of a nation's gossip, Little Millionville, to the effect that We understand the personages alluded to in the tale now publishing in the Oceanic Miscellany are the Reverend Dr.

The naturalists drew up a paper on the "Probable Extinction of the Crotalus Durissus in the Township of Rockland." The engagement of the Widow Rowens to a Little Millionville merchant was announced, "Sudding 'n' onexpected," Widow Leech said, "waälthy, or she wouldn't ha' looked at him, fifty year old, if he is a day, 'n' ha'n't got a white hair in his head."

The naturalists drew up a paper on the "Probable Extinction of the Crotalus Durissus in the Township of Rockland." The engagement of the Widow Rowens to a Little Millionville merchant was announced, "Sudding 'n' onexpected," Widow Leech said, "waalthy, or she wouldn't ha' looked at him, fifty year old, if he is a day, 'n' hu'n't got a white hair in his head."