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"Your man Francisco attempted to creep in and murder Señor Knowlton. If you and the rest have similar intentions, now's your time to try. If not, put away those knives." "Knives! Por Dios, what do you mean?" "Look behind you." José looked. At once he snarled curses and commands. Slowly the knives slipped out of sight. The paddlers edged backward to their own shack, leaving their puntero alone.

"There fore, sir, to come to the point at once, advance me ten thousand dollars to start in business again, and I will make a fortune in three years. It was the outside speculations of my partners that ruined me. Perhaps you don't know that dry goods are going up, sir? Now's the time to buy." "This man will drive me mad!" shrieked Mr. Whedell, combing his hair wildly with his hands.

Lincoln would draw all the water before he got through. "Upon my soul," said Mr. Sherman, "I'm disgusted. Now's the time to stop 'em. The longer we let 'em rear and kick, the harder to break 'em. You don't catch me going back to the army for three months. If they want me, they've got to guarantee me three years. That's more like it."

The little elephant came in a week ago from just south of the Khor Galagu. You had something private to say to me? Now's your time. Mind the ostrich, that's all. He looks a little ruffled." They were quite alone in the zareba. The giraffes had fallen in behind and were following them, and level with them, on Hillyard's side, the ostrich stepped like a delicate lady in a muddy street.

Everybody had a few kind words for the children, and Prudy listened and answered with timid blushes: but Dotty Dimple was, as usual, very fearless, and perfectly at ease. Presently Colonel Allen, and Miss Margaret, and Miss Louise entered the room. Dotty had been wondering where they were. "Now," whispered aunt Louise, "now's the time to ask Mr. Hayden for that new uncle."

"Come on," said Pen hastily, "or they will give the alarm." "Not they, poor chaps! They are too bad. That sentry isn't coming, is he?" Pen glanced in the man's direction, but he was not visible, for some low bushes intervened. "I can't see him," said Pen. "Then look here, comrade; now's our time. It's all fair in war. Every man for himself." "What do you mean? Don't stop to talk, but come on."

And Her Majesty Dunn knows that, too. Therefore, the cat bein' away, she cal'lates now's the time to make sure of the cheese." "But the cat can come back. The song says it did, you know." "Um-hm. And got another kick, I shouldn't wonder. However, my claws'll stay sharp for a year or thereabouts, and, if it comes to a shindy, there'll be some tall scratchin' afore I climb a tree.

You and mother ought to make the most of your strong religious belief; now's the time to put it to the test. He drank off a little water. 'I want to ask you about one thing ... while my head is still under my control. To-morrow or next day my brain, you know, will send in its resignation. I'm not quite certain even now whether I'm expressing myself clearly.

Sometimes when she thinks what she's put her little girl through this last year she just wants to go out on the hilltop where she caught the neuralgia and lie down beside that grave out there and " "Mamma, don't talk like that!" "But now's my chance, Alma, to get well. I've too much worry in this big hotel trying to keep up big expenses on little money and " "I know it, mamma.

At first the Turkish field pieces endeavoured to reply, but one by one they were silenced, and when at last, late in the afternoon, the thunder of the guns ceased, the silence was only broken by a faint crackle of musketry. 'Now's our chance! exclaimed O'Brien, who seemed to have an uncanny faculty for understanding beforehand exactly what was in the colonel's mind.