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"Now's the time, my boys," shouted Lord Saltoun; and the thin red line, closing with the mass, drove it pell-mell down the slope. Near the foot the victors fell under the fire of the rear portion of the Imperial Guards, who, undaunted by their comrades' repulse, rolled majestically upwards.

"It serves 'em right," was his angry reflection; "when the leftenant spoke 'bout hunting up a new trail through the mountains, I oughter knowed he hain't no sense and was sure to make a mess of things. Now's he gone and sneaked off where these folks will stub their toes agin him; I'm 'sprised that the Queen didn't hammer a little sense into his head." The guide was in a torture of apprehension.

Now's the time here's Miss Fosbrook, lighter-footed than any of the children, softly stealing on tip-toe, while Hal is scaring Johnnie. Her fingers just touch Davy's. "Freed! Freed!" is the cry; and off goes he, pounding for home! but Hal rushes across the path, he intercepts Miss Fosbrook, and, with a shout of triumph There is the sound of a rent. Everybody stands a little aghast.

"Now's your time, if you want to take a good mile," says the friendly fireman. We take his advice, and by aid of a stop watch, especially borrowed for the occasion, we ascertain the fact that a mile is covered in fifty-two seconds. The next mile is two seconds slower, but the speed is more than maintained on the third mile.

"Now, Sar, now's you chance," said Mike, using the only English sentence he possessed, and laying hold of the bridle of my horse. I was on the ground and down on one knee in such a hurry, that to this day I know not by what process I got off the horse. Usually, when thus taken by surprise, the springboks stop for a moment or two and gaze at the kneeling hunter.

"Yaas," said Hose Ransom, "did ye take note how he hung on to that pack o' his'n all the time? Wouldn't let go on it. Wonder what 't wuz? Seemed kinder holler 'n light, fer all 'twuz so big an' wropped up in lots o' coverin's." "What's the use of wonderin'?" said one of the younger boys; "find out later on. Now's the time fer dancin'. Whoop 'er up!"

"Is this the truth? Are you what she says you are?" he asked. "Oh, don't, Ira!" gasped his sobbing wife. "She " "We've got to learn the straight of it," said the old man sternly. "If we've been bamboozled, we've got to know it. Now's the time for her to speak." Sheila was still gazing at him. She nodded, indicating that his question was already answered.

"Can't you give a lot of them away, and do what I said go back to the time before you bargained for them?" "You don't understand how difficult it is to go back." "But you are back in Scotland." "You're right. Now's my one chance to return to my youth and ideals. Bright little Princess, thank you for polishing up the dulled surface of my soul."

His body encased in a short black jacket with narrow sleeves, his long legs in very tight trousers, made up an agile, youthful, slender figure. He moved forward suddenly, and interrupted the mate's monologue. "More coffee, Mr. Franklin? Nice fresh lot. Piping hot. I am going to give breakfast to the saloon directly, and the cook is raking his fire out. Now's your chance."

Sharp at last; and its import was that: "If you're willing to use your brains for Sobrante folks, as you used them once before, now's the time. There'll be a led horse at Marion till you come, and the sooner the better. 'Forty-niner." "A led horse. Why, he must have forgotten, if he ever knew, that I've my own Nimrod here, that Mrs. Trent insisted upon my accepting, when I left Sobrante before.