United States or Mexico ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

As Sylvia looked at her blankly, she went on: "Somehow Lawrence must be taken away for a while until Father's either you or I must go with him and stay, and the other one be here with Father until he's he's more like himself." Sylvia, fresh from the desolation of solitude in sorrow, cried out: "Oh, Judith, how can you! Now's the time for us all to stay together! Why should we ?"

If stately houses we erect, And therein think to take delight, On what a sudden are we checked, And all our hopes made groundless quite! One little spark in ashes lays What we were building half our days. If on estate an eye we cast, And pleasure there expect to find, A secret providential blast Gives disappointment to our mind: Who now's on top ere long may feel The circling motion of the wheel.

Who-op, sah, steady ole hoss there now we've passed him Trombine and Lizette ahead steady let 'em go, big devil, little devil, an' pumpin' each other Go now, go old hoss, now's the time to save our distance go old hoss, step lively now 'tain't no meetin', no Sunday School it's life, bread and a chance for Cap'n Tom!

"Ho! ho! ho!" cried the preacher suddenly in tremendous volume. "Ho! All ye who want to go to heaven, now's your time! A splendid line of celestial steamers will run for a few days from San Francisco to the port of Glory, a country every way superior to California, having in it the richest gold diggings ever discovered, the very streets of the city being paved with gold.

In each case the blacks showed every appearance of fright at the sight of the airship throbbing along over their heads. On passing over the lake, Ned Newton looked down and cried out excitedly: "Look! Elephants! They're in swimming, and the natives are shooting them! Now's our chance, Tom!" Mr. Anderson and Mr. Durban, after a quick glance, drew back laughing.

You've made a name out here for being the best trader west of the Great Lakes, and now's your time. It's none of my affair, of course, but I like to carry through what I'm set to do, and the Company said, 'You bring Dingan back with you. The place is waiting for him, and it can't wait longer than the last boat down. You're ready to step in when he steps out, ain't you, Lablache?"

I'll admit, for the sake of argument, that just now there's a pause. But nobody can tell whether it will turn up or down yet. Now's the time to be conservative, to play it cautious." "If I was conservative and cautious," answered Jadwin, "I wouldn't be in this game at all. I'd be buying U.S. four percents. That's the big mistake so many of these fellows down here make.

At this time, the Melville, a brig of the enemy's, was close up with us, firing upon our decks from her fore-top. She was coming up on our larboard quarter, while a large schooner was nearing us fast on the starboard. Mr. Trant directed our gun to be elevated so as to sweep the brig's forecastle, and then he called out, "Now's the time, lads fire at the b s! fire away at 'em!"

"Now's your time," shouted Jim, "they are lumbered up with the wreck of the foremast, and will not be able to fire their big gun until they have cleared it away. Fire into her now with every gun that will bear, and keep at it until she strikes. Miraflores ahoy! pass under my stern and take up a position on the Union's port side when we come level with her; I will engage her to starboard.

It came from a candle, which burnt steadily in the stillness of the night. It was carried by a woman, who came down the path towards where Beaumaroy and the Captain stood in conversation. Both turned towards her with eager attention. "Now's our time, then! They aren't looking our way now. We can get across the heath to where the car is."