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She returned their visit at Los Gatos, and there made the formal acquaintance of Don Jose's grandmother, a lady who still regarded the decrepit Concha as a giddy muchacha, and who herself glittered as with the phosphorescence of refined decay.

But remember she is only a girl so young, and motherless, too. It is the part of a man to be kind and generous and forbearing to a woman. He must be gentle always gentle, if he would hold her love. Can you do that, Pablo? Or are you only a hot-headed, selfish, foolish boy?" "I will try, Doña," he answered humbly. "For always have I love' her since she was such a little muchacha." "Then go.

I always thought I'd marry a lord or a rich gentleman coming with a private yacht. Buenas noches, señorita. El hombre ama la muchacha hermosa. Why me? Because you were so foreign from the others. Better not stick here all night like a limpet. This weather makes you dull. Must be getting on for nine by the light. Go home. Too late for Leah, Lily of Killarney. No. Might be still up.

He had a sort of protuberance on one side caused by broken ribs which had not been set. I questioned my muchacha. She said her step-father had kicked the child across the room some weeks before and broken his ribs. The next day, I took the child together with Señora Bayot, the wife of the Governor's secretary, before the local Justice of the Peace.

While the muchacha ground, or rather crushed, the wheat between the stones, the ranchera, with a platter-shaped basket, cleansed it of dust, chaff, and all impure particles, by tossing the grain in the basket. The flour being manufactured and sifted through a cedazo, or coarse sieve, the labour of kneading the dough was performed by the muchacha.

"Do you want to marry this young man, Carmencita?" "I never told him anything of the sort," she flamed. "I didn't quite ask what you had told him. The question is whether you love him." "But no; I love you," she blushed. "I hope so," smiled her father. "But do you love him? An honest answer, if you please." "Could I love a rebel?" "No Yankee answers, muchacha. Do you love Juan Valdez?"

I had to have one Chinese baker arrested for persistently giving short change to my muchacha, and the Treasurer had a long line of delinquents before him each morning admonishing them that they could not play tricks with Uncle Sam's legal tender. But on the whole the change went off quickly and without much friction.

Ah, he began in Spanish, which he himself had taught her as a child, it was a strange thing, his coming there to-night; but, then, mother of God! it was a strange, a terrible thing that she had done to him old Miguel, her uncle's servant: he that had known her as a muchacha; he that had lived all his life at the ranch ay, and whose fathers before him had lived there all THEIR lives and driven the cattle over the very spot where she now stood, before the thieving Americans came here!

"It is important that thou shouldst refresh thy memory for a moment. Look back fourteen years, mother; it is but yesterday to thee. Thou dost remember the baby a little muchacha thou broughtest me then fourteen years ago?" The old woman's eyes became intelligent, and turned with a quick look towards the open door of the church, and thence towards the choir. The Padre made a motion of irritation.

"So you don't expect to live long, señor. Is that it? We shall all mourn. Yes, indeed." He turned decisively to the white-faced girl. "Go to sleep, muchacha. To-morrow we shall talk. Gabriel Pasquale is your friend. All shall be well with you. None shall insult you on peril of his life. Buenos!" With a gesture of his hand he pointed the door to Harrison. The eyes of the two men clashed stormily.