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Updated: August 13, 2024

But who am I now, that you should turn out of your glorious path for me?" "I will do anything, anything. But why miscall this noble prince a monster?" "If he were fairer than St. John, more wise than Solomon, and more valiant than King William, he is to me a monster; for I loathe him, and I know not why. But do your duty as a knight, sir. Convey the lawful wife to her lawful spouse."

You will hear rhyme and reason together here, now. He will not miscall 'blind-folded, 'blind-fold-ed, I warrant; or make an 'of' and a 'which' and a 'his' carry a whole verse on their wretched little backs." And as he spoke, Amyas, who had been grumbling to himself some Christmas carol, broke out full-mouthed:

Not I. I don't propose to wait an hour for it, if I can help bring it on; and I know I can. There! I don't believe I have read fifteen reviews of any of my books. Life is too short; but I am glad I did not miss that one. Those are the fellows for whom Roosevelt is not a good enough reformer; who chill the enthusiasm of mankind with a deadly chill, and miscall it method science.

Then, turning once more to the still approaching barge, she continued: "An' so thet's Queen Victoria's ship, is it?" "Victoria!" growled the waterman. "Ye seem as odd in speech as in dress, mistress. Who gave ye license to miscall our glorious sovereign?" Rebecca's brows were knit in a thoughtful frown and she scarce knew what her companion said.

'Who is it? he asked in rather a jovial tone. He felt at peace with the world now Hazel was here. 'Beast! Edward said tersely. 'Just come in a minute, my lad, and let's have a look at you. People don't call me names twice. Hazel had heard Edward's voice. She ran to the door, and the apple-green gown rustled about her. 'Ed'ard! Ed'ard! Dunna go for to miscall him! He'll hurt 'ee!

'Avaunt then, for one moment, all consideration that may arise from a weakness which some would miscall gratitude; and is oftentimes the corrupter of a heart most ignoble! For is not a wife the keeper of a man's honour? And do not her faults bring more disgrace upon a husband than even upon herself? It is not for nothing, Jack, that I have disliked the life of shackles.

'I have not heard you go on like this for years, he said. 'I believe you must be almost as much above yourself as I am. It is a bad case of the unrest which men miscall delight. But much as I enjoy it, I am not going to sit still and hear the Manderson affair dismissed as commonplace.

By the so-called Love of Nature, or by some artless simplicity of soul, wholly unmodern of course, perhaps felt by children or poets mostly, they lie caught close to her own deep life, knowing the immense sweet guidance of her mighty soul, divinely mothered, strangers to all the strife for material gain to that 'unrest which men miscall delight, primitive children of her potent youth ... offspring of pure passion ... each individual conscious of her weight and drive behind him " His words faded away into a whisper that became unintelligible, then inaudible; but his thought somehow continued itself in my own mind.

It is a selfish and ungrateful course, and therefore sure to be without a blessing from God. I am talking now of those whose work keeps them near home, and who only leave their home to escape its duties, or as they would miscall them, its burdens. Many, of course, must leave home. If work calls you elsewhere it is another matter.

It is not that our statesmen are 'sugared mouths with minds therefrae'; many of them are the best men we have got, upright and anxious, nothing cheaper than to miscall them. The explanation seems just to be that it is so difficult to know what you mean, especially when you have become a swell.

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