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A boat which resembled the Swan, a large pleasure boat, had passed that way; turning to the left, it had continued up the Seine. We were by the docks. Mattia was so overjoyed that he commenced to dance amongst the fishermen. Stopping suddenly he took his violin and frantically played a triumphal march. While he played I questioned the man who had seen the barge. Without a doubt it was the Swan.

"At last the German line began to waver; it stopped, then began a retreat on the run, followed by the bullets of the machine gunners. Mattia was yelling and whooping as he pumped away with his weapon, elevating its muzzle a little from time to time that he might be sure to reach the fleeing men. "Shells had been bursting about him all the time and were still bursting.

Ricardo! the soup pot fastened with a padlock, the whip, and Vitalis, my poor, good master, who had died because he would not rent me to the padrone. As I passed the church I saw a little boy leaning against the wall, and I thought I recognized him. Surely it was Mattia, the boy with the big head, the great eyes and the soft, resigned look. But then he had not grown one inch!

It's not worse than any other job. It's better than being a singer on the streets. You can stay here with Alexix. We'll get a job for Mattia also, but not in playing the cornet, oh no." I had no intention of staying at Varses; there was something else I had set myself to do.

He has never seen me and I'm going to see Mrs. Milligan at once and tell her." There was some reason in what Mattia proposed, so I let him go off, telling him that I would wait for him at a short distance under a big chestnut tree. I waited a long time for Mattia. More than a dozen times I wondered if I had not made a mistake in letting him go. At last I saw him coming back, accompanied by Mrs.

But in the midst of my confusion I felt a great satisfaction to know that Mother Barberin was still alive, and in the course of the questions that were put to me I learned that Barberin had gone back to Paris some time ago. This delighted me. Then came the question that Mattia had feared. "But how did you get all the money to buy the cow?"

He enjoyed watching the kick of the piece and the way it ejected the case of the shell after the projectile had soared on its way to the clouds. "Mattia proved himself very useful that day and earned the thanks of the ammunition carriers for his help. He was quick and never stumbled or dropped a shell. "That night he slept on the ground near the gun, which was silent all through the night.

"Think for your own good, Mattia," I said, but my voice shook. "Leave my friend?" he cried, linking his arm in mine; "that I never could, but thank you all the same, Monsieur." M. Espinassous insisted, and told Mattia that later they would find the means to send him to the Conservatoire in Paris, because he would surely be a great musician! "Leave Remi? never!"

I could see by the way he greeted Mattia that he was very fond of him. He at once took a liking to Capi and myself. From that day we had a strong friend, who, by his experience and advice, was of great help to us in time of trouble. Spring came slowly, but at last the day arrived for the family to leave London. The caravans had been repainted and were loaded with merchandise.

They had gone in a carriage with a maid; the other servants had followed with the baggage. We breathed again. "Where is the lady?" asked Mattia. "She has taken a villa at Vevy, but I cannot say where; she is going to spend the summer there." We started for Vevy. Now they were not traveling away from us. They had stopped and we should be sure to find them at Vevy if we searched.