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"Why did you not wear a white mantilla?" he whispered. "I do not like that black thing." "I am not a bride. I knew we should kneel together it would have been ridiculous. And I could not wear a colored reboso to-day." "I should have liked to fancy we were here for our nuptials. Delusions pass but are none the less sweet for that."

I will uncover their faces and look at them." So he lifted up the mantilla from their heads and said, "They are a handsome couple; it were not fitting that I should beat them." Then he took Shaykh Ibrahim's hand and kissed it. Quoth the old man, "O my son, whence art thou?"; and quoth he, "O my lord, we two are strangers," and the tears started from his eyes.

"I have been too long abroad, Maria Dmitrievna, I am well aware of that. But my heart has always been Russian, and I have not forgotten my native land." "Yes, yes. There's nothing like that. Your husband certainly didn't expect you in the least. Yes, trust my experience la patrie avant tout. Oh! please let me! What a charming mantilla you have on!" "Do you like it?"

When the confusion had subsided into silence, some one at the piano began to play softly, and the curtain parted to show in the frame a beautiful Spanish girl with fan and mantilla. Following her in quick succession came a fair-haired English girl, a smiling maiden from Japan with arched eyebrows and bright-colored parasol, and a rosy Dutch girl in cap and kerchief.

His heart beat faster, and his knees trembled so that he had to steady himself by the bench to keep from falling. She came slowly nearer, with her bowed head wrapped in a dark mantilla, held in place over her breast by her pale hands, and walked into the porch without seeing him. Raisky sprang from his place of observation, and hid himself under her window.

An hour later he was already on the road to Vasilievskoe, and two hours later Varvara Pavlovna ordered the best carriage on hire in the town to be got for her, put on a simple straw hat with a black veil, and a modest mantilla, left Justine in charge of Ada, and went to the Kalitines'. From the inquiries Justine had made, Madame Lavretsky had learnt that her husband was in the habit of going there every day.

"Does this man work over at Cleary's express?" "He does. Vy?" "Oh, nothing. I may want him later. And, say!" "Vell," again replied Otto. "Git wise and surprise that little girl of yours with something else she'll never wear that mantilla. So long," and he strode out of the store.

Ulrich answered the gate-keeper's insulting taunts indignantly and proudly, for he was no longer the yielding boy of former days, and the quarrel soon became serious. Just then a dainty little woman, neatly dressed for the evening promenade, with the mantilla on her curls, a pomegranate blossom in her hair, and another on her bosom, came out of the Alcazar.

"What do you manufacture?" said the mistress of the house, laughing. "Say laces and offer her some guipure," whispered Bixiou in Gazonal's ear. "La-ces," said Gazonal, perceiving that he would have to pay for his supper. "It will give me the greatest pleasure to offer you a dress a scarf a mantilla of my make." "Ah, three things! Well, you are nicer than you look to be," returned Carabine.

In the meantime, he noted the play of moving color, for the women wore white and pink and yellow. Some had flowers in their dark hair and some covered their heads with a lace mantilla. The men's clothes were varied, for a number wore shabby uniforms, and others white linen with red silk sashes, while a few had chosen the plain black, and wide sombrero, of the Spanish don.