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"You're headin' for the Diamond Dot, ain't ya?" sez he. "This is a corner o' the Diamond Dot range," sez I, lollin' back an' puffin' slow an' comfortable at my pipe. "The pony corral stands at the mouth of a little canon, don't it?" "Yes," sez I. "An' the cook house is to the right of it?" "Yes," sez I. "An' the ranch house is kind o' sprawly with "

Instead iv lollin' on a sofy an' listenin' to th' song iv th' mockin' bur-rd in th' pommygranite threes while ladies fr'm th' chorus iv 'Th' Black Crook' fanned him with fans iv peacock feathers, th' mis'rable old haythen was locked up in a garret with a revolver in his hand ready to shoot anny wan that come next or near him. He suffered fr'm dyspepsia an' he cuddent sleep nights.

"A blinking castle," he said in mock cockney British. They parked the jeep and went inside. The boys were gathered around an open fire lounging in easy chairs. Allison moved out of a huddle and crossed the room. "Welcome, you wallflowers," he said with a big smile. "Sure, an' yer a disgrace to the both of us, lollin' in the lap o' luxury," O'Malley answered with a big grin. "How was it?"

"Lory was lollin' in an easy-chair, lookin' out west across his spring lot. Directly I saw a twinkle in his eye, and followin' the line of his glance, there slouchin' in a fence corner I saw Lory's old white work-mare, Molly. Sometimes Molly pulled the buggy and the little Lings, but usually it was a plough or a mower for hers.

The caretaker turned to the admiring children. "Ilka morn he fetches 'is bit bane up, thinkin' it a braw giftie for an ill man. An' syne he veesits me twa times i' the day, juist bidin' a wee on the hearthstane, lollin' 'is tongue an' waggin' 'is tail, cheerfu'-like. Bobby has mair gude sense in 'is heid than mony a man wha comes ben the hoose, wi' a lang face, to let me ken I'm gangin' to dee.

I kud see their long tongues lollin' out, an' the smoke steamin' from their open mouths. "Bein' now no longer hampered by the blanket, I made the best use I could o' my arms. Twice I got hold o' the lariat, but afore I kud set myself to pull up the runnin' hoss, it wur jerked out o' my hand agin.

He's broke loose. The chain by golly, yuh went an' used that chain that was broke an' jest barely hangin' together! His horse ain't anywheres around, either. You fellers make me sick. Lollin' around here an' not paying no attention, by golly he's liable to be ten mile from here by this time!"

"'You'll set in the tonneau, says he, indicatin' the upholstered after cockpit of the concern. I opened up the shiny hatch, under orders from him, and climbed in among the upholstery. 'Twas soft as a feather bed. "'Jerushy! says I, lollin' back luxurious. This is fine, ain't it? "'Cost seventy-five hundred to build, he says casual. 'Made to order for the boss.

A shofer I b'lieve that's what they call the tribe was at the helm of it, and on the back seat, lollin' luxurious against the upholstery, was a man and a woman, got up regardless in silk dusters and goggles and veils and prosperity. I never expect to see the Prince of Wales and his wife, but I know how they'd look after seein' them two.

"So they took him to where pore old Pipes lay in his chair, his head lollin back, somethin dreadful to see. "The Genelman bends over him, and takes one of his hands. "That stirs the old man. "'That you, sir? says he, usky-like. "'Ah, friend, says the Genelman, 'how goes it? "'Tarrabul ornary, says pore old Pipes. "'You'll be better soon, says the Genelman, strokin his hand.