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Updated: August 17, 2024

"I saw them take their flying leap," returned Jim, "but was anybody hurt back here?" "The brakeman got it in the shoulder," replied the conductor, "but I guess he will be all right. Have to take a lay-off for some weeks." "It's curious how many bullets are fired without hurting anybody," remarked Jim, "but I've noticed that before."

I'm shore pinin' away onder these yere malign inflooences, when my old gent notes I ain't recooperatin', an' so he guesses the cause; an' with that he gives Aunt Tilly a lay-off, an' tells her to send along her niece Polly to take her place, "'Thar's a encouragin' difference.

It had been John's habit to return to Yonkers every two weeks for a week's lay-off, as customary with other pilots in the Air Mail service. On these occasions he had arrived in his plane, and during the term of his stay had often taken Paul up into the air for pleasure flights, as well as his chum Bob Giddings.

You'll step right up to the plate, my son, and you'll hit the ball fairly on the nose, and you'll do it early and often. The first time you tip a foul, you'll be warned. The second time you do it you'll get a month's lay-off to think it over, and the third time you'll be out for keeps. Do I make myself clear?" "You do, sir," Mr. Peck declared happily.

The last tweak in allusion to Orry's remark on the uncertainty of life. 'There were a dozen or more of the air lads in the room and cigarette smoke tinged the air. Towards Erwin, now recovered after nearly a three week's "lay-off" on account of his burns and other wounds, there was a general rush of friendly hands and voices. "Oh, you bully l'ill boy!

We'll take the night express an' get there tomorrow in time for the game. An' we'll hev to hustle." Upon Merritt then rained a multiplicity of excuses. Gillinger was not well, and ought to have that day's rest. Snead's eyes would profit by a lay-off.

They were continually lying in wait for passing stages and Pony Express riders. It was useless to keep the Express going until these depredations could be stopped. A lay-off of six weeks was ordered, and our time was our own. While we were thus idle a party was organized to carry the war into the Indians' own country, and teach them that the white man's property must be let alone.

"I'll arrange a furlough for you, Wagg," said the warden, with understanding sympathy. "You're entitled to a lay-off with pay. It was a terrible thing to see!" "And his mother!" mourned the guard. "Break it to her easy!" "A dreadful dreadful affair," insisted the warden. He started toward the edge of the pit.

He had a hard time getting back, for there was quite a little sea on. Even in the seine-boat they were all glad enough to hear Clancy give the word to cast off and pull after the school. It was a big school, and hard work in that sea, but we had them safe at last. The vessel then came alongside and the bailing in began. Having had a good long lay-off we bailed them in with plenty of good-will.

So into the station he goes and wires Ben up the line to come there at once on account of something serious. Ben gets in that night. He thought Ed must be dying and had got a lay-off. He goes over to the hospital and is a mite disappointed to find Ed ain't even worse, but is almost well and using only one crutch.

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