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I sort of figured out he was goin' to run off with the woman, 'cause the next morning he come out and said we could take a month's lay-off if we wanted to, as he was goin' on his honeymoon.

I'm out to fine you now, and I'll release the first man who shows the least yellow. I play no more substitutes. Crippled or not, you guys have got to get in the game." I waited to catch my breath and expected some such outburst as managers usually get from criticized players. But not a word! Then I addressed some of them personally. "Gregg, your lay-off ends today. You play Monday.

"Certainly. Arrange the thing as you like," Stuyvesant agreed. Then he looked at Dick with a twinkle. "You deserve a lay-off and I hope you'll enjoy it." Dick thanked him and went back to his shack, where he found Jake on the verandah. "I may go with the launch, after all, but not to Coronal," he remarked. "Ah!" said Jake, with some dryness. "Then you had better take me; anyhow, I'm coming."

I went to sea with the commander of the alert, intense type. Most of them are of that type, but this one particularly so, with eyes, ears, nerves, and brain working always at full power. Three hours in twenty-four was a pretty good lay-off for him. Lively? Our destroyers are about 11-1/2 times as long as they are wide; which does not mean that they cannot keep the sea. They can keep the sea.

"I betche Andy just wanted a lay-off, and took that way uh getting it," declared Happy Jack pessimistically. "I betche he's in town right now, tearing things wide open and tickled to think he don't have to ride in this hot sun. Yuh can't never tell what Andy's got cached up his sleeve." "Chip thinks he was talking on the level," Weary mused. "Maybe he was; as Happy says, yuh can't tell."

What is the number of his regiment?" Miss Casey reels it off, addin' the company and division. "Really!" says Vee. "Why, that's the company Captain Woodhouse commands. You remember him, Torchy?" "Oh, yes! Woodie," says I. "I'd most forgotten him." "I am going to call him up on the long distance right now," says Vee. And in spite of all my lay-off signals she does it. Gets the captain, too.

The story was simple to him: good prospects that warranted the starting of the tunnel into the sidehill; the three months' work and the getting short of money; the lay-off while the men went away and got jobs; then the return and a new stretch of work, with the "pay" ever luring and ever receding into the mountain, until, after years of hope, the men had given up and vanished.

They rate as separate items the worker's proficiency, reliability, continuity in service, indirect charges, increased cost of living, and periods of lay-off; they rate him according to the number of technical processes he is proficient in, whether or not he is engaged on more than one; they rate him if he attends the night school connected with the factory and shows in this way a disposition to learn other operations than, those he already knows.

I'll have a lay-off for a month or so and take the little tad and mother up and show 'em the city 'Frisco until it's time for the schools to open, and then we'll put Sid in the seminary at Marysville. Catch on?" "I suppose you'll stay right by hops now?" "Right you are, m'son. I know a good thing when I see it. There's plenty others going into hops next season. I set 'em the example.

"Do you expect to mend broken ribs on toast?" "I'm well mended, thank you. Do I look like an invalid?" "But we heard you were seriously hurt." He laughed. "And want to suggest Glen Tarn as a health resort." "Unfortunately, the doctor has discharged me. In fact, a broken rib doesn't entitle a man to a lay-off. I hope your sister continues to improve?" he added, looking at Gertrude.