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For that reason I frequently had conversation with him both at Court and at the Poltavskaya. He was a man of complex nature. A lady-killer of the most elegant type, refined and determined, yet lurking in the corners of his nature was a tyrannical trait and a hardness of heart.

He turned and beheld a lady cast in a very large mould and with somewhat stately features, but bearing no mark of severity in her looks. "I see that you are a very self-confident lady-killer," said she; "for you make yourself expected. But I was determined to meet you.

He cocked a white wide-awake coquettishly upon his head the habit of the lady-killer clung to him; and Esther had already thrown on her hat, and was ready, while he was still studying the result in a mirror: the carbuncle had somewhat painfully arrested his attention.

Her little lawyer's clerk of former days, now grown into a patriot dragoon and lady-killer, had quarrelled by now with his aristocratic mistress. Whenever he met Élodie in the street, he would gaze at her with a glance that seemed to say: "Come, my beauty! I feel sure I am going to forgive you for having betrayed you, and I am really quite ready to take you back into favour."

Tempest, who believed himself a lady-killer, noted the ingenuous look in the young girl's face, and began to pose. And it was hardly three bites of a ham sandwich thereafter when Mabel Connemora noted Tempest's shootings of his cuffs and rumplings of his oily ringlets and rollings of his hollow eyes. And at the sight Miss Mabel's bright eyes became bad and her tongue shot satire at him.

"Perhaps not now, but I can make it all right with her," said Laud, as he twirled his colored mustache, which he probably regarded as a lady-killer. "Besides, you are not old enough to think of such things yet, Don John." "Well, I don't think of such things yet," replied Donald, who really spoke only the truth, so far as he was consciously concerned. "But you ought not to stick by her to-day.

He had won for himself the reputation of being quite a "lady-killer;" and now this little country-bred girl had the impertinence to tell him coolly that she did not love him; nay, more to hint pretty strongly that she regarded him with feelings not very far removed from contempt, because, forsooth, he had lived a somewhat fast life.

I'm telling you all this because you've read about it, and I want you to get it straight from me. "Lady-killer!" he snorted. "Why, Miss Mason, I don't mind telling you that I've sure been scairt of women all my life. You're the first one I've not been afraid of. That's the strange thing about it. I just plumb worship you, and yet I'm not afraid of you.

"Good bye to you, Sergeant Tanner," said one of the women in the boat. "Nancy Corbett, by all that's wonderful!" cried the sergeant. "I told you so, sergeant you'll never lose the name of lady-killer." "Pretty lady-killing," muttered the sergeant, turning away in a rage.

His hand, placed across the mouth of the microphone, however, acted to prevent these exclamations from interrupting the flow of Bob's explanation. When Bob had finished his account, Jack took a turn. And at the recital of his adventures, Frank began to laugh. Removing his hand from the microphone, he interrupted his chum with the question: "Now, who's the lady-killer?"