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Old and young, pretty and plain, noble and humble, native and foreign, all were fish that came to the net of this lady-killer, who not only vowed allegiance to nearly every petticoat that crossed his path, but a much more remarkable feat kept up an impassioned correspondence with a large selection of his charmers.

But there generally comes a time when that kind of a lady-killer gets hit himself. Lots of females have been willin' to marry Heman, but he's never given 'em the chance. About so fur he'll go and then shy off." "How about that widow woman over to Bayport?" "Well, I did think he was goin' to cast anchor there, but he ain't, up to now.

Oh, that's young Corcoran Dunn. He is a lady-killer, in his own estimation. How d'ye do, Dunn." The young man turning grinning from the window, caught a glimpse of the lawyer as the latter rose to identify him. He strolled over to the fire. "Hello, Sylvester," he hailed, carelessly. "That was a peach. You should have seen her. What? Why, it's the Admiral!" "How d'ye do, Mr.

She would not dance, but she made several friends among the young men, notably that accomplished lady-killer and arbiter elegantiarum, Mr.

I spent five pounds in buying a befitting suit of clothes, devoting much care to the cloth and the cut. The admiral laughed when I went to take leave of him, and jokingly said that he hoped I was not going to shame him by turning into a beau and a lady-killer. "I smoke you, by gad!" he cried with another laugh, when to my confusion I felt my cheeks go warm.

His was a hopeless case no opportunity of mending his first faux pas none, any more than if the object of his pursuit was shut up in the cloisters of a nunnery! Hopeless, indeed! Thus ran his reflections. Though uttering this phrase, he had no belief in its reality. He had no intention of ending the affair so easily. He the lady-killer, Vizcarra to fail in the conquest of a poor ranchera!

He was introduced, that is, proposed as a member of our club, by Sir Robert Ratsbane, whose grandfather was a druggist, and seconded by Lord Loadstone, the celebrated lady-killer, as a regular pigeon, who dropped, by the death of old 'burn the wind, into half a million at least.

She had always been taught that duelling was as wicked as it was dangerous, and her uncle Pignaver had shared that orthodox opinion; nevertheless, though she would not willingly have acknowledged it to her confessor, she was glad that Trombin had driven the lady-killer from the field, and she only wished that Stradella might have done it himself.

"Eb, I believe if you were single any girl might well suspect you of being a flirt," said Betty. "No girl ever did. I tell you I was a lady-killer in my day," replied Colonel Zane, straightening his fine form. He was indeed handsome, with his stalwart frame, dark, bronzed face and rugged, manly bearing.

The old face flashed forth a radiance as she told her tale. "Some of the old gents in the town of Gool-Gool come out an' shook hands with me, an' the ladies kissed me w'en I got down off of the box. There was a lawyer feller considered a great lady-killer in them days.