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What do you think I can do, when you land me in a strange country in the middle of the night, without a kopeck in my pocket? But I'll find a way to get back at you. Any man who would treat me the way you have done is sure to have treated some other people badly, too. And I'll find them perhaps they'll be stronger than I." "Your papers were confiscated in due process," said the Russian.

Three hundred and thirteen roubles, he told the telephone sternly. 'Not a kopeck more. Eh? What? He's rung off, the blood-sucker! He rang him up again. David made a note of the number. 'But what have you Zionists to do with the Parliament in Russia? he inquired of the owl. But the owl was haggling with the telephone. 'Three hundred and fifteen! What!

If she really had, as she said, caught her sleeve in it and upset everything, why had Nikolay Sergeitch dashed out of her room so excited and red in the face? Why was one drawer of the table pulled out a little way? The money-box, in which the governess put away ten kopeck pieces and old stamps, was open.

"Before Easter he paid a rouble, and he has not paid a kopeck since." The police inspector raised his eyes to Osip and asked: "Why is this, brother?" "Show Divine mercy, your honour," Osip began, growing agitated. "Allow me to say last year the gentleman at Lutorydsky said to me, 'Osip, he said, 'sell your hay... you sell it, he said.

By paying well I shall easily find one who will be worth as much " Ivan's eyes flashed. "I do not believe you," replied he, in Russian; "you know very well that you are not amiable, but that I love you in spite of it, and when you have spent a hundred thousand roubles, you will not have secured one to replace me, whose affection for you will be worth a kopeck."

I knew then, as I know now, beyond a doubt, that my Uncle David's daughter was an honorable woman. With the righteous she dealt squarely; with the unjust, as best she could. She was in duty bound to make all the money she could, for money was her only protection in the midst of the enemy. Every kopeck she earned or saved was a scale in her coat of armor.

Of the trifle which his father had given him on parting he spent not a kopeck, but, the same year, actually added to his little store by fashioning a bullfinch of wax, painting it, and selling the same at a handsome profit. He also spent a couple of months in training a mouse, which he kept confined in a little wooden cage in his bedroom.

As he entered before the 1st of June, he naturally insisted upon paying the two months' rent, which, however, Vladimir did not send Ivan until twenty-four hours after that quixotic youth had mailed his father a check for every kopeck of money saved by him from his large allowance.

You wouldn't give me very much for them, WOULD you?" "A nice fellow! Look here. What are they to you? So many diamonds, eh?" "I thought so! I know you!" "Pardon me, but I could wish that you were a member of the Jewish persuasion. You would give them to me fast enough then." "On the contrary, to show you that I am not a usurer, I will decline to ask of you a single kopeck for the serfs.

Any man, if you pinch him sufficiently, will surrender you a mortgage at half-price, any man, that is to say, except myself, who care nothing for your money. Were a loan of mine to remain out three years, I should never demand a kopeck of interest on it." "Quite so, Constantine Thedorovitch," replied the factor.