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Updated: August 5, 2024

Why, he's combed and scented like a spice-tree. He's a good-looking fellow; the great ladies like him." This was said with a knock-me-down air by Cassandra. "He dines at our place every day. It's a pleasure to see his black curls and smell his scented handkerchief." A cluster of listeners had now gathered round Cassandra, who, conscious of an audience, thought it worth her while to hold forth.

A handsome plate of ground glass in one door directs you ‘To the Counting-house;’ another to the ‘Bottle Department; a third to the ‘Wholesale Department;’ a fourth to ‘The Wine Promenade;’ and so forth, until we are in daily expectation of meeting with a ‘Brandy Bell,’ or a ‘Whiskey Entrance.’ Then, ingenuity is exhausted in devising attractive titles for the different descriptions of gin; and the dram-drinking portion of the community as they gaze upon the gigantic black and white announcements, which are only to be equalled in size by the figures beneath them, are left in a state of pleasing hesitation between ‘The Cream of the Valley,’ ‘The Out and Out,’ ‘The No Mistake,’ ‘The Good for Mixing,’ ‘The real Knock-me-down,’ ‘The celebrated Butter Gin,’ ‘The regular Flare-up,’ and a dozen other, equally inviting and wholesome liqueurs.

The pick-me-up was concocted of knock-me-down rum and colonial beer, and ran into several editions. John Lidlow, Esq., J.P., was uncommonly sleepy and preternaturally solemn in court when the case of Hobbs versus Mahdi was called on for hearing.

"I never can think such tremendous, knock-me-down figures in the least degree elegant, and as for their eyes, they are so tall that I never could strain my neck enough to look at them." "Oh! Certainly. "Offended me! Dear Brother, how came such a thought in your head! I assure you that I am not in the least surprised at your being so warm an advocate for the Beauty of these girls."

"I have had a knock-me-down blow to-night, son Allan." "And I am much to blame for it; that is what grieves me, father." "You are altogether to blame for it, Allan. I thought Mary loved you when you came home this summer; to-night I am sure she loves you. You must have made some great blunder or she would have married you." "There was a great blunder.

Leap-frog was the prevalent game for a time, but at last Graham suggested theatricals, and they were agreed on. "But we're making a regular knock-me-down shindy," said Llewellyn; "somebody must keep cavè." "O, old Rose is safe enough at his Hebrew in the library; no fear of disturbing him if we were dancing hippopotami," answered Graham.

And while in that collapsed state I learned the true nature of Mrs Fyne's feminist doctrine. It was not political, it was not social. It was a knock-me-down doctrine a practical individualistic doctrine. You would not thank me for expounding it to you at large. Indeed I think that she herself did not enlighten me fully. There must have been things not fit for a man to hear.

I suppose now, sir, you'll be standing up for that knock-me-down kind of thing?" "Explain yourself, my lad." "Beg your pardon, sir, what they call love at first sight." He wore an ingenuous blush and an expression at once shy and insinuating. "The poets, Rowley, are on my side." "Mrs. McRankine, sir " "The Queen of Navarre, Mr. Rowley " But he so far forgot himself as to interrupt. "It took Mrs.

Nearer still I made out it was the big young chief, Maea, and that he was smiling away and smoking. And what was he smoking? None of your European cigarettes fit for a cat, not even the genuine big, knock-me-down native article that a fellow can really put in the time with if his pipe is brokebut a cigar, and one of my Mexicans at that, that I could swear to.

My name I'll keep that to myself, if you don't mind had a certain value in the eyes of a rich girl I knew. At the same time there was another girl " "Ah Dinah," Ajax murmured. "We'll call her Dinah. Dinah," his voice shook for a moment, "Dinah cared for me, and I I cared for her. But the girl with money had a blaring, knock-me-down sort of beauty that appeals to men.

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