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On the fourth day he saw the angels descend to fetch his soul. He arose from his bed, handed a cithern to his oldest daughter Jemimah, "Day," a censer to the second one, Keziah, "Perfume," and a cymbal to the third, Amaltheas, "Horn," and bade them welcome the angels with the sound of music. They played and sang and praised the Lord in the holy tongue.

Fancy the heat and vigour of the great pan formation, when Aunt Lois and Aunt Keziah, and my mother and grandmother, all in ecstasies of creative inspiration, ran, bustled, and hurried mixing, rolling, tasting, consulting alternately setting us children to work when anything could be made of us, and then chasing us all out of the kitchen when our misinformed childhood ventured to take too many liberties with sacred mysteries.

"Where's where's Cap'n Nat?" asked Keziah. "He's in there with his father. He bears it well, although he is mighty cut up. Poor chap, he seems to feel that he is to blame, somehow. Says Cap'n Eben and he had disagreed about something or other and he fears that hastened the old man's death. Nonsense, of course. It was bound to come and I told him so.

Although Keziah was only six years her senior, it seemed more like ten, and Jemima had three years' start of Keziah. They treated her with an indulgence rare between sisters, and from the fact of their being so staid and grave for their years, Cherry could scarcely be blamed for feeling as though she was the only young thing in the house.

"Hush! be still! Don't get her in here. Keziah, you're single and so am I. You ain't got nobody to take care of you and I ain't, neither that is, I don't want to be took care of I mean, I've been took care of too much." Mrs. Coffin took another step in the direction of the kitchen. "He IS loony!" she exclaimed under her breath. "No, no! I ain't loony. I want to make a proposal to you.

"I'll get Keziah to take me round, and I'll get some gossip with the old soul. I'll warrant she hasn't lost her tongue, even be she old as Parson Dunage's mother at the Rectory. Good-bye, mother dear! Take care of yourself on the road to Maisie's. Put on Sister Nora's fur tippet in the open cart, for the wind blows cold at sundown."

She stopped him from further arguing; but she did not stop him from taking her hand and cramming the diamond back into its old place. "I must go. Father cannot he is ill himself; and Miss Keene is too frightfully modest to nurse him alone, so that I must send Keziah back, and stay " "Can't Miss Keene go and send her back, and stay?" "Oh, she would be no use in such an illness as Mary's.

I know where he goes Sunday afternoons and why he goes, too. Mr. Ellery and me's good friends. We understand each other." "Look here, Kyan Pepper! What are you talkin' about?" "Nothin', nothin'. Good day." "Stop! Stand still! Come in the house here. I want you to." "No, no, Keziah. Really, I'd love to, but I can't stop." "Come in, I tell you."

By and by, to call him out of these rhapsodies, came Rose home; and finding the kitchen hearth cold, and Aunt Keziah missing, and no dinner by the fire, which was smouldering, nothing but the portentous earthen jug, which fumed, and sent out long, ill-flavored sighs, she tapped at Septimius's door, and asked him what was the matter.

"Seppy, you good-for-nothing, are you going to see me lying here, dying, without trying to do anything for me?" "Dying, Aunt Keziah?" repeated the young man. "I hope not! What can I do for you? Shall I go for Rose? or call a neighbor in? or the doctor?" "No, no, you fool!" said the afflicted person.