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When the practice was over, they all sat around the room and Miss Gordon bade Sarah Emily and the two older girls pass the grape cordial and the Johnny-cake, which were all in readiness. It was at this moment that Miss Hillary turned to Mr. Gordon. "You must be chairman at the concert," she said engagingly. "It will be so fitting, as you are secretary-treasurer." Mr.

She put the ham on the table, and some bubbling coffee, and then, from a hickory board in front of the fire, took off, with a jerk, brown, flaky slices of Virginia johnny-cake. "Ther' yoh are, father, hot 'n' hot," with her face on fire, "ther' yoh are, coaxin' to be eatin'. Why, Mr. Holmes! Father! Now, ef yoh jes' hedn't hed yer supper?" She came up, coaxingly.

Not once, since that first day, had he been up to see the poor old blind man. And before why, before he used to go several times a week. And so the summer passed, and September came. And September brought a new problem school. And school meant books. Two days before school began Keith sought Susan Betts in the kitchen. "Say, Susan, that was awfully good johnny-cake we had this morning."

The wolf said: "Where ye going, Johnny-cake?" He said: "I've outrun an old man, and an old woman, and a little boy, and two well-diggers, and two ditch- diggers and a bear, and I can outrun you too-o-o!" "Ye can, can ye?" snarled the wolf, "we'll see about that!"

Joseph R. Chandler, of the United States Gazette, said that "the Admiral could leave Philadelphia on a six-horse coach with a hot johnny-cake in his pocket and reach Pittsburg before it could grow cold."

Maybe that's why he ain't quite so high and mighty to me as he is to the rest of you fellers. Ha! ha! He tried to patronize me when I first came back here and took this depot and I just smiled and asked him what the market price of johnny-cake was these days. He got red clear up to the brim of his tall hat. Humph! 'TWAS funny."

"With his hair on and the johnny-cake in his mouth, folks would think he was still alive till they got real close." "The three of us done that," informed Scott, as though jealous of Runner's receiving all the credit. "Morris means it was a poor job because the chief was said to be friendly to white folks," explained Runner, scowling at me.

I'm F T , all the way from 'down east. I've been through the mill, ground, and bolted, and come out a regular-built down-east johnny-cake, good when it's hot, but when it's cold, sour and indigestible; and you'll find me so!" The latter part of the harangue I remember well, for it made a strong impression, and the "down-east johnny-cake" became a by-word for the rest of the voyage.

Let him do for you the things I used to do; let him hold the yarn on his arms for you to wind off, and read to you your favourite novels; he is a good reader for a young fellow. And will you get out your spinning-wheel some night when the logs are in roaring in the fireplace and let him hear its music? Will you some time with your hands make him a johnny-cake on a new ash shingle?

But Johnny-cake outran all three a long way, and was soon out of sight, while they had to sit down, all out of breath, on a bank to rest. On went Johnny-cake, and by-and-by he came to two well-diggers who looked up from their work and called out: "Where ye going, Johnny- cake?" He said: "I've outrun an old man, and an old woman, and a little boy, and I can outrun you too-o-o!"