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"And as for this romance of love," the young nobleman went on, kindling as he spoke, and forgetting the slang and colloquialisms with which we garnish all our conversation "this fine picture of Jenny and Jessamy falling in love at first sight, billing and cooing in an arbour, and retiring to a cottage afterwards to go on cooing and billing Psha! what folly is this!

Reaching the top of a hill I looked down upon a little hamlet shady with trees, a cluster of thatched, flower-girt cottages, a hoary church, an ancient inn before which last stood Jessamy Todd and a group of rustic folk, men in smocked frocks or shirt sleeves, bare-armed women in aprons or print gowns, children tousled and round of eye, and all, for the most part, very silent, with heads reverently bowed, for Jessamy was praying: " so Heavenly Father here we be, Thy children all, weary with another day's labour, grant us this night Thy peace, each one.

The cheery, musical voice was drowned by shouts and obscene objurgations, while the big fellow, seeing the Tinker had laid by his pistol, clenched brawny fists, shot out brutal jaw and glared at Jessamy in murderous fashion, whereupon the excited crowd, swollen now considerably, hooted and clamoured, pushed and jostled all about us in a very threatening manner, so that my hand instinctively clenched itself on the saucepan again and I crept nearer to Diana.

How could he resist such an invitation especially as the Jessamy Bride would, of course, be among the guests? It is true, he was hampered with work; he was still more hampered with debt; his accounts with Newbery were perplexed; but all must give way.

"Here's your brick, friend Tom," said Jessamy, showing his brawny fist. "Why, then who who are ye?" stammered Tom. "I'm Jessamy Todd, preacher, man o' peace and your friend, if you'll ha' me, Tom." "Jessamy Jessamy Todd? You? O Lord, I'm bit! Jessamy Todd why, then, no wonder." And now the crowd caught up the name, speeding it from lip to lip. "Jessamy Todd! It be Jessamy Todd!"

My supplication ended, I remembered that this was the first prayer I had uttered since faring out into the world. And as I arose, came Jessamy, rubbing sleep from his eyes. "Lord bless us, Perry, what a morning the j'y of it, brother! List to the birds and hark ah, do but hark how Ann do be singing; never 'eard her voice sound so wonderful afore, Perry."

"And pray what is she doing here?" "She is about to cook a steak and onions " "Do you mean O pitiful heaven that she is living here with " "With Jeremy Jarvis, a tinker, Jessamy Todd, a champion pugilist, and myself." "Shocking!" exclaimed my aunt, sweeping Diana with the fire of her disparaging regard.

"You seem very happily situated here," said his lordship, sweeping the shady dingle with his keen gaze. "Why, as to that, sir my lord," said Jeremy with unwonted diffidence, "I fear we'm a-trespassing on your land, but my friend Todd Jessamy assured me " "Rest assured, friend Jarvis! None of my keepers shall disturb you " "Peregrine O Jerry, dinner!

Now come on an' keep your weather peeper on my right, for look'ee your left is a feeler, good to keep your man away, to jolt him now an' then an' to feint him to an opening, then it's in wi' your right an' all o' you behind it that's my way and I've found it a pretty good way." "You've always won your fights, haven't you, Jessamy?" "Pretty often though 'tis all vanity, lad, arter all "

The Barton festivities are over; Christmas, with all its home-felt revelry of the heart, has passed like a dream; the Jessamy Bride has beamed her last smile upon the poor poet, and the early part of 1774 finds him in his now dreary bachelor abode in the Temple, toiling fitfully and hopelessly at a multiplicity of tasks.