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"You must forgive me, Perry, I I've only been a Benedict since two o'clock. But tell me of yourself; what you are doing, how you live and where?" "I am learning the art of working in iron, Anthony, and of making and mending kettles " "Gad a tinker, Perry?" "Yes. And I am living in a wood with one Jerry Jarvis, Jessamy Todd, and Diana " "The famous Jessamy?" "Yes.

Goldsmith maintained the affirmative; but, being bantered on the subject, and remembering his former prowess as a youth, attempted the leap, but, falling short, descended into the water, to the great amusement of the company." Was the Jessamy Bride a witness of this unlucky exploit?

Here Tom unbuttoned and tossed aside his tight-fitting coat. "And secondly," pursued Jessamy, "I love ye because somewhere inside o' ye you've got an immortal soul of a kind, Tom, that the Lord holdeth precious and beyond rubies though only the Lord knoweth why, Tom." Here the big man tightened his belt and proceeded to roll up his sleeves.

The long lapels of his rich coat hung deep, and the rich waistcoat of plum-colored satin added slimness to a torso not too bulky in itself. Neat, dainty, fastidious, "Jessamy" Law, late of Edinboro', for some weeks of London, and now of a London prison, scarce seemed a man about to be put on trial for his life. He advanced from the door of the side room with ease and dignity.

Jessamy says there's a fortun' in her voice " But I was off and across the glade and next moment standing before her. "Why Diana!" I exclaimed. "O Diana!" "What is it?" she demanded, glancing up from the onion she was peeling. "Why have I never heard you sing before? Why do you sing so seldom?" "Because I only sing when when I feel like it and to please myself." "Your voice is wonderful!"

For a full minute after I had ended Jessamy Todd was silent, staring from me to the cloudless sky and back again with a look of growing perplexity; at length he spoke: "You've seen better days, brother, I'm thinking." "No, indeed," I answered, "never so good as these." "I'm likewise thinkin' as your speech and talk don't rightly match your rig-out, brother."

"Peregrine, I touch upon an abstract theme and therefore one better sensed than described, so I will not attempt it." Here, to my further surprise, Diana nestled closer to him and whispered something in his ear. "I believe," said the Ancient Person, after Diogenes had plodded some little distance, "I believe you are camping with Jessamy Todd?" "Yes, sir, but pray, how did you learn this?"

Why, Jessamy was one of the greatest, fiercest fighters that ever was, they say! But he had the ill-luck to kill a man and turned religious." "Do you know him?" "Very well. I've heard him preach often." "Preach?" said I. "Yes, Jessamy never fights now unless he has to goes about preaching. And he preaches as well as he used to fight, and sings as well as he preaches."

Place them in a hospital, put them in a gaol in yellow overalls, do what you will, young Jessamy finds young Jenny. O, have it your own way; I am too old a hand to argue with young gentlemen who choose to fancy themselves in love; I have too much experience, thank you.

The rehearsals were attended by Johnson, Cradock, Murphy, Reynolds and his sister, and the whole Horneck connection, including, of course, the "Jessamy Bride," whose presence may have contributed to flutter the anxious heart of the author. The rehearsals went off with great applause, but that Colman attributed to the partiality of friends.