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As my narrative progressed, the interest of my audience waxed, and I was gratified and stimulated by a ripple of excitement and hushed exclamations which, as I ended, swelled to a ringing cheer for Jessamy Todd.

And now ensued a halcyon season, dewy dawns wherein I bathed and sparred with Jessamy, long, sunny days full of labour and an ever-growing joy of Diana's radiant loveliness, nights of healthful, dreamless slumber beneath the stars.

"That explains," he muttered. "But where did he find the pluck?" "Eh?" Mr. Rogers, in the act of seating himself by the bureau, had caught the tone but not the words. As he slewed round with the query I heard another sound in the adjoining room. "Oh, go ahead with your warrant, my Jessamy Justice! It tickles you and don't hurt me. Shall I help you spell it?"

Her situations are often very lively, if not exactly decorous; and they sometimes have a real dramatic verisimilitude, for instance, the quarrel and reconciliation of the Lord and the Lady in Jemmy and Jenny Jessamy; but the higher verisimilitude of prose fiction they lack. Yet she had learnt much: and her later work would have been almost a wonder in her own earlier time.

"Set about 'im, Tom! Ah, break 'is nob, lad!" bellowed the swaying crowd. "Show 'im 'ow you laid out the 'North-country Collier, Tom. Knock out 'is ivories choke 'im wi' your famble!" "Hark 'ee, friend Tom," said Jessamy, apparently quite unmoved by the growing hostility of the rabble, "I love ye, Tom! And I love ye, first because you're a child o' God, though to be sure ye don't look it, Tom!"

That the Monthly's review of Betsy Thoughtless, complaining of that novel's lack of "those entertaining introductory chapters, and digressive essays, which distinguish the works of a Fielding, a Smollett, or the author of Pompey the little," rankled in the fair novelist's memory is illustrated by a retort in her next work, Jemmy and Jenny Jessamy, III, Chap.

Is life all over when Jenny and Jessamy are married; and are there no subsequent trials, griefs, wars, bitter heart-pangs, dreadful temptations, defeats, remorses, sufferings to bear, and dangers to overcome?

"Then will you please accept this?" said I a little diffidently, aware of Diana's sharp eyes, and I thrust the timepiece into his hand. "Why but how can I Lord bless me!" stammered Jessamy, glancing from the watch to me and back again irresolutely. "You'd better put it into your pocket, Jess, quick, or he'll throw it into the ditch!" nodded Diana.

As Thy servant's fist smote this Thy son's flesh, so may Thy Truth smite his heart and he come to Thy grace thereby!" This supplication ended, he turned to a pale-faced, gaping individual who stood near by, a slopping tankard grasped in nerveless hand. "Friend," says Jessamy, "I'll trouble you for your ale."

"Then, according to mine, you're precisely three quarters of a minute fast, Jessamy, my lad." "Why, as to that, friend," answered Jessamy, "it's in my mind that you're just about that much slow, comrade."