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Updated: August 10, 2024

The oldest temple of Babylonia at the present time known to us, the temple of Bel at Nippur, bears the characteristic name of E-Kur, 'mountain house. The name is more than a metaphor. The sacred edifices of Babylonia were intended as a matter of fact to be imitations of mountains. It is Jensen's merit to have suggested the explanation for this rather surprising ideal of the Babylonian temple.

Jensen's little, girl, who is my companion here most of the time as I said, she's a dear. I've been teaching her to read all summer spoiling your work, Mrs. Davidson!" "I wish more and more that I might have aid in that undertaking in this valley," said Sarah Davidson, herself a great soul in her way, and Covenanter when it came to duty.

"Yes," said Bob Garth, "there is that; but they starves them so much when they are young, and that does not make sinew or bone." Notwithstanding Garth's predictions, the Jensen's mansion was reached in half an hour from Vandstrup Præstegaard, and Garth drove up with a flourish that impressed Herr Jensen, who was on the door steps.

There was no saddle at either ranch now, but Wid searched around and found a bit of discarded sack, a piece of rope near the burned barn. "I'll ride down the valley," said he after the two had eaten in silence. "Wait till I ride down to Jensen's. He'll come along." "Well, hurry back," said the new Sim, with a resolution and decision in his voice which surprised his neighbor.

Jensen's two brutes jeered at us for our pains, bidding us mind our sermon-grinder and the like, with many expletives that I shall not set down. Indeed, their speech and behaviour so discredited their mission that it would have jeopardised their safety, for all their flag of truce, with a commander of less punctiliousness than Lancelot.

Hardy had sent Garth to his stables with Buffalo after the race, and told him to fetch them at Herr Jensen's Herregaard at an early hour with the carriage, and Hardy drove himself, talking to Garth, who sat beside him.

"Certainly; it is my intention," he replied. "The wedding to be as quiet as possible," continued Mrs. Hardy, "and proprietor Jensen's daughters to be bridesmaids; and John has an old college friend who will come here to be his best man, and will return with me to England in the yacht, from Esbjerg." Mrs. Hardy's practical common sense impressed the Pastor; he assented sadly.

Garth fetched the saddle he had rode over in, and a light snaffle bridle, and mounted, and, after the usual difficulties that always occur with colts, he rode the horse, sitting firm and easy in the saddle, to Herr Jensen's great admiration. "He is a good horse," said Garth. "But, master, ask the governor one question, and that is how he feeds them in the winter."

I've been thinking Lars Jensen's widow could come and keep house for you; she's a good worker and she's nothing to do. You might do worse than marry her." "I've a wife that's good enough for me," answered Lars Peter shortly. "But she's in prison and you're not obliged to stick to her if you don't want to." "Ay, I've heard that, but Sörine'll want somewhere to go when she comes out."

Well, I placed all the money that I had with me at Captain Jensen's disposal, provided he gave me a share in the venture we were about to undertake. "We will not," he said to me in Singapore, "draw up an agreement here, but will do so at Batavia," and forthwith we set sail for that place.

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