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Lit., 'places, here used as a synonym for 'heavens, as an Assyrian commentator expressly states. I.e., Ea. See above, p. 424, note 3. The complete proof is brought by Jensen, Kosmologie, pp. 246-253. Kosmologie, p. 199. Magie und Wahrsagekunst der Chaldaer, p. 163. See the illustration in Jensen's Kosmologie, pl. 3. The word used also means "cities."

Prayer in the Church's words, As well as sense, of all prayers bears the bell." The Complete Angler. The next day after the late breakfast at the parsonage, John Hardy rode over to the Jensen's on Buffalo, and Garth followed on one of the Danish horses, and was received with much warmth.

They had not learned much English, and were not so ambitious as Tony or Lena; but they were kind, simple girls and they were always happy. When one danced with them, one smelled their clean, freshly ironed clothes that had been put away with rosemary leaves from Mr. Jensen's garden. There were never girls enough to go round at those dances, but everyone wanted a turn with Tony and Lena.

The restored text in Haupt's edition of the Nimrodepos, pp. 134-149. Zimmern ingeniously suggests la bir, "not pure," instead of the rendering 'old. Isaiah i. 1. See Jensen's remarks, Kosmologie, p. 387. Gen. xix. Hughes, Dictionary of Islam, sub "Ad" and "Salih". See above, p. 488, note 2. Lit., 'construct a house'; house is used for any kind of structure in general.

Balawat, col. v. ll. 4, 5. Kar = fortress. See Sayce, Hibbert Lectures, p. 438, and Jensen's important note, Kosmologie, pp. 492-494. See pp. 124, 125. Cylinder, l. 61. See pp. 117 seq. We may therefore expect, some day, to come across the name Marduk in Assyrian texts earlier than the ninth century. See p. 131.

The prisoners were so securely bound that no especial guard was placed over them during the process of taking them from the boats, and so, before I was aware of it, Barbara had slipped by me and between the Dutch sailors, and was by Jensen's side.

The face that I was looking for was a face that would have gone well enough too with a scarlet coat, for it was a scarlet face in itself. I looked for that red-haired face which I had seen for the first time leering at me over Barbara's shoulders on the last day that ever I set foot within the Skull and Spectacles. I was looking for the face of Jensen's partner in treason Hatchett.

"I have heard the same story in England," said Hardy; "a farmer has to treat his farm as a business, and, Herr Jensen, you are quite right in doing so." Hardy went over Herr Jensen's farm, and his knowledge of farming in all its branches so interested Herr Jensen, that it was late when they returned to the Herregaard.

Not a single authenticated case is on record of the transference of a human cancer to one of the lower animals; and of all the thousands and thousands of experiments that have been made in attempting to transfer cancers from one animal to another, only one variety of tumor with the microscopic appearance of cancer the so-called Jensen's tumor of mice has yet been found which can be transferred from one animal to another.

You come out to marry him, though, didn't you?" "Yes." "When?" "Next week he's gone for the minister to-day." She said anything, the first thing. "That's a lie," said the coarse voice of the man she could not see. "I seen him ten mile down toward the dam, I tell you, with Wid Gardner, and Nels Jensen's folks, below, said they was going for a doctor, not a preacher.