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Updated: October 31, 2024

Two near the Capitol, Square 634, cost 963 dollars, and with buildings, 15,000 r Nos. 5, 12, 13, and 14, the last three water lots on the Eastern Branch, in Square 667, containing together 34,438 square feet, at 12 cents, 4,132 s Corner of Pitt and Prince streets, half an acre, laid out into building lots, three or four of which are let on ground rent, at three dollars per foot, 4,000 t

The Tories were only able to hold their own by borrowing a leaf from his book, and bringing in a more drastic measure of reform. Evelyn Ashley, vol. ii. p. 438. In a letter written in the spring of 1867, Lord Houghton refers to Mr.

Well, the Trent Valley Railway, of which I was Secretary and Manager, was sold, at a large profit I think 438,000l. to the London and Birmingham and Grand Junction Companies, then about to amalgamate under the name of the "London and North Western."

It was the direct result of the searchings of heart and the communings for seven years, from 1826 to 1833, of the three men who have been the subject of this chapter. Rem. i. 232, 233. In 1828, Newman had preferred Hawkins to Keble, for Provost. Apol. p. 84. Remains, i. 438; Apol. p. 77. "Do you know the story of the murderer who had done one good thing in his life?

I have spoken more on this subject in my Essay on Development, p. 438, "Nor does it avail to object that, in this contrast of devotional exercises, the human is sure to supplant the Divine, from the infirmity of our nature; for, I repeat, the question is one of fact, whether it has done so.

"La durée de la rotation d'une planète doit donc être, d'après cette hypothèse, plus petite que la durée de la révolution du corps le plus voisin qui circule autour d'elle," says Laplace. And he then points out that the time of Saturn's rotation is to that of his rings as 427 to 438 an amount of difference such as was to be expected.

The number of the adult scholars who were instructed during this period in the adult school, which was supported by the funds of the Institution, amounted to 292; and the total number of adults who had instruction from March 5, 1834, to May 26, 1848, was 1,438. The total of the expenses connected with all these schools, during these two years, amounted to £886, 1s. 11½d.

That he should not be held responsible for losses incurred by the frauds and failures of subagents to whom moneys were advanced through his hands. On the first, that of interest on his advances for the public, I have allowed him $14,438.68. This allowance is made on advances admitted by the accounting department, and on the declaration of Mr.

The "Code of Theodosius" was a collection of laws reduced by that emperor, and promulgated in both empires 438 A.D. It retained its authority in the western empire until its final overthrow, 476 A.D., and even after this, though modified by the institutions of the conquerors. In the eastern empire, it was only superseded by the code of Justinian.

I remember with special pleasure one of these that for the Rossendale Division of Lancashire. It was a sample of all the other bye-elections in 1892. The registration had been well done, and we knew to a man the strength of the Irish vote. We had 438 on the Register.

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