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Which I did, and by and by did go down by water to Deptford, and then down further, and so landed at the lower end of the town, and it being dark 'entrer en la maison de la femme de Bagwell', and there had 'sa compagnie', though with a great deal of difficulty, 'neanmoins en fin j'avais ma volont d'elle', and being sated therewith, I walked home to Redriffe, it being now near nine o'clock, and there I did drink some strong waters and eat some bread and cheese, and so home.

He pronounced them to perfection with genuine Parisian chic, and at the same time he said 'si j'aurais' for 'si j'avais, 'absolument' in the sense of 'absolutely, expressed himself, in fact, in that Great Russo-French jargon which the French ridicule so when they have no reason for assuring us that we speak French like angels, 'comme des anges.

Fort Leavenworth, for instance, emanates even now a perfume which is utterly delightful to certain Americans. At least, in that Republic, amnesty has been proclaimed, or so I hear. But to return to the Surveillants remark. J'avais de la chance. Because I am by profession a painter and a writer. Curious thing.

Ainsi crois que, loin de souffrir des devoirs que je me suis imposes, j'y trouve la plus profonde satisfaction, et que je me trouve plus respectable que si je ne faisais rien." "WEST LODGE. Vendredi. "J'avais l'intention de partir aujourd'hui mais la tante Susan parait tellement triste quand je parle de m'en aller que j'ai du reculer mon depart jusqu'a lundi.

Mon cher frere, si ma conscience ne me convainquait et ne me confondait de mon infidelite au service de notre bon maitre, je pourrais esperer quelque faveur approchante de celles qu'il a faites aux bien-heureux martyrs avec qui j'avais le bien de converser souvent, etant dans les memes occasions et dangers qu'ils etaient, mais sa justice me fait craindre que je ne demeure toujours indigne d'une telle couronne."

"J'avais une colombe blanche, J'avais un blanc petit pigeon, Tous deux volaient, de branche en branche, Jusqu'au faîte de mon dongeon: Mais comme un coup de vent d'automne, S'est abattu l

Voltaire pensively surveying Life, brushes the sounding strings; and hums to himself, the carbuncle eyes carrying in them almost something of wet: "MON Henri Quatre ET MA Zaire, ET MON AMERICAIN Alzire, NE M'ONT VALU JAMAIS UN SEUL REGARD DU ROI; J'AVAIS MILLE ENNEMIS AVEC TRES PEU DE GLOIRE: LES HONNEURS ET LES BIENS PLEUVENT ENFIN SUR MOI POUR UN FARCE DE LA FOIRE."

J'ai ete reellement touche de la maniere affectueuse dont il m'a fait ses observations auxquelles il a su joindre des compliments, en me disant que j'avais decouvert la meilleure facon de faire la revue des expositions et que mes articles sont precisement ce qu'il lui faut.

I might have been an acquaintance of the day before yesterday. I made her a low bow. "J'avais bien l'honneur, madame," but refusing to take up our usual bantering tone, she murmured a hospitable commonplace and disappeared. Boris and I looked at one another. "I had better go home, don't you think?" I asked. "Hanged if I know," he replied frankly.

The mother of Sainte Beuve was sorely distressed at his pursuit of literature, a career that she reckoned mere vagabondage, despite his brilliant feats in it, until the day he was elected to the French Academy, and thereby became entitled to $300 a year. "Then my mother was a little reassured; thenceforth, j'avais une place."