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Aujourd'hui je me rends au Musee, et j'ai pu ecrire. "Mon oncle est arrive hier soir, il partage mon salon, mais je lui ai loue une chambre-a-coucher dans la maison voisine. Il ne parait pas trop abattu; nous causons beaucoup et je tache de l'egayer autant que sa position le permet.

De has just now taken up one of these atrocious journals, and exclaims, with tears starting from his eyes, "On a abattu la statue d'Henri quatre!*" *"They have destroyed the statue of Henry the Fourth." The sacking of Rome by the Goths offers no picture equal to the licentiousness and barbarity committed in a country which calls itself the most enlightened in Europe.

De has just now taken up one of these atrocious journals, and exclaims, with tears starting from his eyes, "On a abattu la statue d'Henri quatre!*" *"They have destroyed the statue of Henry the Fourth." The sacking of Rome by the Goths offers no picture equal to the licentiousness and barbarity committed in a country which calls itself the most enlightened in Europe.

The curée, that is the giving up to the hounds the remains of an animal slain in chase, does not always take place at night, but when it does the torches play the part of impressive and picturesque accessories. When a curée takes place at the spot where the animal is actually killed the French sporting term for the ceremony is "forcé et abattu."

"J'avais une colombe blanche, J'avais un blanc petit pigeon, Tous deux volaient, de branche en branche, Jusqu'au faîte de mon dongeon: Mais comme un coup de vent d'automne, S'est abattu l