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As to Irons, if he was all that his wife gave out, he must have been a mighty sly dog indeed; for on the whole, he presented a tolerably decent exterior to society.

It was to be placed on the edge of the roof, near the gutter. Just at that spot the roof was very steep. The man walked along in his list slippers much as if he had been at home, whistling a popular melody. He allowed himself to slip a little and caught at the chimney, calling to Zidore as he did so: "Why in thunder don't you bring the irons? What are you staring at?"

The robins nested in the maples, the squirrels scampered from tree to tree, and little children tumbled about on the grass, unmindful of the sullen captives within the walls. For seven years Harold himself had played about this yard, hearing the wild voices of the prisoners and seeing men come and go in irons.

Smaller animals may be got along with, with a narvous crew, perhaps; but when it comes to the raal old bulls, or bull-dogs, as a body might better call 'em, give me stout hearts, as well as stout hands." 'Well, now, to my notion, Watson, it is less dangerous to take a sea-elephant than to fasten to a regular old bull-whale, that may be has had half a dozen irons in him already."

"Dangnation take it!" he used to say, "I don't git up enough spunk to cut a heifer out o' the herd until somebody else has roped her and slapped his brand onto her. Talk about too many irons in the fire, why, I've only got one, and it's het up red all the time waitin' fer the right chanct to use it; but some how I never git it out o' the coals. Hell! what's the use, anyhow?

I'm a peaceable man, and no bully, and only wants to live quiet, said Irons in a hurry. 'A disciple of my school, you're right, Irons, that's my way; I never name Charles except to the two or three who meet him, and then only when I can't help it, just as you do; fellows of that kidney I always take quietly, and I've prospered. Sturk would do well to reconsider his message.

It was noticed that those elf-maidens, who were standing at the last tub, were intently expecting to do something great, while those five elf maids at the table took off the hot irons from the stove. They touched the bottom of the flat-irons with a drop of water to see if it rolled off hissing.

Opposite the heavy door, by which they had entered, was a large fireplace, containing a pair of elaborately ornamented brass and irons.

"Oh, the malice and cruelty of this world!" he exclaimed. "I no sooner get my legs out of one pair of irons than I find them clapped into another wretched ill-used man that I am! What have I done to deserve such a lot?" When daylight returned, the effect produced by the fireships became apparent. The whole French fleet lay scattered about in every direction. Some had disappeared altogether.

That he had won the day in his dispute with the obnoxious professor; that he had threatened to arrest Mr. Hamblin, and send him in irons to the ship; that he had actually called the willing carpenter and boatswain to execute the anticipated order, were more than enough to make the captain a hero with the ship's company.