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Updated: August 24, 2024

I, therefore, respectfully suggest that the department be organised upon a permanent basis with headquarters at the Mill and my humble self at its head. All who agree will say 'Aye'." "Aye," said Barney with prompt heartiness. "Me, too," cried Iola, holding up both hands. "Mother, what do you say?" "Aye, laddie. There's much need for good cheer in the world."

Iola smiled, did not promise, and accepted the situation. She entered upon her duties, and proved quite acceptable as a saleswoman. One day, during an interval in business, the girls began to talk of their respective churches, and the question was put to Iola: "Where do you go to church?" "I go," she replied, "to Rev. River's church, corner of Eighth and L Streets." "Oh, no; you must be mistaken.

A sober expression swept over Iola's face, and, dropping her eyes, she said: "I must have time to think." Quietly they rode along the river bank until Dr. Latimer broke the silence by saying: "Miss Iola, I think that you brood too much over the condition of our people." "Perhaps I do," she replied, "but they never burn a man in the South that they do not kindle a fire around my soul."

"That he did not see it," replied the doctor. "Of course, this does not apply to all of them. Some of them are wide-awake and sharp as steel traps. I think some of that class may be used in helping others." "I should be very glad to have an opportunity to teach," said Iola. "I used to be a great favorite among the colored children on my father's plantation."

And were it not for Barney's haunting face, the two days' outing would have been for Iola among the happiest experiences of her life. But Barney's last look across the widening strip of water pursued her and filled her with foreboding. It was not rage; it was more terrible than rage. Iola shuddered as she recalled it. She read in it the despair of renunciation.

I do not think the numbers who are coming North on the Underground Railroad can be very contented. It is not natural for people to run away from happiness, and if they are so happy and contented, why did Congress pass the Fugitive Slave Bill?" "Well, I don't think," answered Iola, "any of our slaves would run away. I know mamma don't like slavery very much.

At once the yacht swung out and began to put a space of blue water between herself and the dock. She was not a moment too soon, for Barney, having received his direction, was coming at a run, scattering the crowd to right and left. As he arrived at the dock edge he caught sight of Iola and Dr. Bulling. He took a step backwards and made as if to attempt the spring.

Just then the ambulance brought in a wounded scout, and Iola found relief from the wounds of her own heart in attending to his. Dr. Gresham knew the barrier that lay between them. It was one which his love had surmounted. But he was too noble and generous to take advantage of her loneliness to press his suit.

Now be shore an' come to-morrer an' bring dat young lady, an' take supper wid me. I'se all on nettles to see dat chile." The next day, Robert, accompanied by Iola, went to the settlement to take supper with Aunt Linda, and a very luscious affair it was. Her fingers had not lost their skill since she had tasted the sweets of freedom. Her biscuits were just as light and flaky as ever.

How many years she could not say. But deep in her heart was the determination that nothing should stand in the way of the ambition she had so long cherished and for which she had so greatly endured. She opened the note with lingering deliberation as one dallies with an approaching delight. "MY DEAR IOLA: I have always told you the truth.

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