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Latimer rang the bell and was answered by Harry, who ushered him into the parlor, and then came back to the sitting-room, saying, "Iola, Dr. Latimer has called to see you." "Has he?" answered Iola, a glad light coming into her eyes. "Come, Lucille, let us go into the parlor." "Oh, no," interposed Harry, shrugging his shoulders and catching Lucille's hand. "He didn't ask for you.

"No, he doesn't want me," said Iola. "Mrs. Charrington," said Dr. Bulling, "he has a grudge against me because of a fancied insult." "Ah," said Mrs. Duff Charrington, "I understand. What do you say, Miss Lane? We can easily go back." "Oh, let us not talk about it, Mrs. Charrington," said Iola hurriedly; "he is gone." "As you wish, my dear. Daisy, take Dr. Bulling down to the cabin.

As she spoke she let down her hair preparatory to brushing it. It fell like a cloud, a golden-yellow cloud, about her face and shoulders. Iola looked critically at her. "You are beautiful," she said slowly. "Your hair is lovely, and your big blue eyes, and your face has something, what is it? I can't tell you. But I believe people would come to you in difficulty. Yes.

Again Barney shuddered at that cruel deception, so characteristic of the treacherous disease. "Why don't you speak to me, Barney? You haven't said a word except just 'Iola, Iola, Iola. Haven't you anything else to say, sir? After your long silence you might " She raised her head and looked into his eyes with her old saucy smile. "There is nothing to say, Iola.

"That is quite impossible, Dr. Foxmore! That could not happen!" "But I am telling you it did! I was present and saw it. It was this way " Iola put up her hand imperiously. "Dr. Foxmore," she said, recovering her self-command, "there is no need of words. I tell you it is quite impossible! It is quite impossible!" Dr. Foxmore's face flushed a deep red.

"I thought," she said, "that I heard Iola's voice. Has she come?" "Yes, darling; do you want to see her?" "Oh, yes," she said, as a bright smile broke over her dying features. Iola passed quickly into the room. Gracie reached out her thin, bloodless hand, clasped Iola's palm in hers, and said: "I am so glad you have come. Dear Iola, stand by mother. You and Harry are all she has.

"You know, Aunt Linda," said Iola, "people don't get to be drunkards all at once. And you wouldn't like to feel, if Job should learn to drink, that you helped form his appetite." "Dat' so! I beliebs I'll let dis turn to winegar, an' not make any more." "That's right, Aunt Linda. I hope you'll hold to it," said Robert, encouragingly. Very soon Aunt Linda had an excellent dinner prepared.

What has happened?" and Iola Conroyal, her horrified eyes fixed on the face of the dead miner, came to a sudden halt by the side of Thure, with Ruth Randolph, round-eyed and white-faced, clinging to one of her arms. "Is is he dead?" "Yes, he is dead," Thure answered gravely. "Murdered for his gold."

"Well, Iola," answered Robert, "this is the first holiday we have had in two hundred and fifty years, and you shouldn't be too exacting." "Yes," replied Marie, "human beings naturally crave enjoyment, and if not furnished with good amusements they are apt to gravitate to low pleasures."

The musical numbers of which we can be certain were one solo, sung by Iola, a chorus of shepherds and a morris dance. The impulse which brought the "Orfeo" into being had not yet exhausted itself and the Italians continued to feast their souls on a visionary Arcadia with which they vainly strove to mingle their own present.