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It's like as gien the sun wad put oot the fire. I jist seem whiles to be lyin' here waitin' for ye to come intil my peace, an' be ane wi' me! But ye hae a lang this warl's life afore ye yet. Eh! winna it be gran' whan it's weel ower, an' ye come!

Christie made a dash en Shylock, and the company trembled. Christie. "'Bide a wee, says the judge, 'this boend gies ye na a drap o' bluid; the words expressly are, a pund o' flesh!" "That's into your mutton, Shylock" "Oh, Jean! yon's an awfu' voolgar exprassion to come fra' a woman's mooth." "Could ye no hae said, 'intil his bacon'?" said Lizzie Johnstone, confirming the remonstrance. Christie.

Noo we ken frae Scriptur' 'at the Maister cam to mak aye ane o' them 'at was at twa; an' we ken also 'at he conquered Deith; sae he wad never lat Deith mak the ane 'at he had made ane, intil twa again: it's no rizon to think it. For oucht I ken, what luiks like a gangin' awa may be a comin' nearer.

"It sticks til him only in sic minds as never saw the lovely greatness o' God." "But sic bairns come na intil the warl as God wad hae them come!" "But your bairnie is come, and that he couldna withoot the creatin wull o' the Father!

I tuik aff yer weet claes, an' pat ye intil my bed till I got them dry." "An' hoo did ye wi' yer ain?" "By the time yours was dry, mine was dry tu." When they arrived at the cottage, Dorty demurred, but her master heard Cosmo's voice and rang his bell. "I little thought your father would have gone before me," said Mr. Simon. "I think I was aware of his death.

For the grace that he spak aboot, that was less nor the nature an' the providence. I cud see unco little o' grace intil 't. Here Ericson broke in fearful, apparently, lest his boyfriend should be actually about to deny the God in whom he did not himself believe. 'Robert, he said solemnly, 'one thing is certain: if there be a God at all, he is not like that.

I canna help mysel'. Dinna sen' me to the ill place. Ye loot the deils gang intil the swine, lat me tee." With this frightful petition, his utterance began to grow indistinct. Then he fell forward upon the bed, groaning, and his voice died gradually away.

'The catacombs, answered Kirsty, 'was what in auld times, and no i' this cuintry ava, they ca'd the places whaur they laid their deid. 'Eh, Kirsty, but that's waur! returned Steenie. 'I wudna gang intil sic a place wi' feet siclike's my ain na, no for what the warl cud gie me! no for lang Lowrie's fiddle and a' the tunes intil't! I wud never get my feet oot o' 't! They'd haud me there!

At this there was a general laugh, after which Reuben, with numerous blinkings of his little eyes, bantered Robbie about the great drought not long before, when a universal fast had been proclaimed, and Robbie had asked why, if folks could not get water, they would not content themselves with ale. "Liza, teem a short pint intil this lang Robbie," said Matthew.

'Ay, replied the Minister, I mind Effie well, puir decent body, for didna I marry them? An' I heard tell o' her man's death, but I hadna seen nither since they went herdin' ower the Carter Bar. But whaur does the "ghaist" come intil the story? inquired the speaker in conclusion.