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Updated: August 26, 2024

She run off in de night some time nobody don't know jis' when; run off to get married to dat young Harney Shepherdson, you know leastways, so dey 'spec. De fambly foun' it out 'bout half an hour ago maybe a little mo' en' I TELL you dey warn't no time los'. Sich another hurryin' up guns en hosses YOU never see!

But that is jest the way he kep' on, a hurryin' me along, and a talkin' fast to try to get the price of that picture out of my head. Anon, and sometimes oftener, we would come to the word in big letters on signs, or on the fence, or the sides of barns, "Pray." And sometimes it would read, "Pray for my wife!" And Josiah every time he came to the words would stop and reflect on 'em.

"All the flurry made by ther gwine 'way hed died down, an' ez we heered nothin' from 'em, or the war, people's minds got quiet ag'in, an' they sot 'bout hurryin' up their Spring work. "One bright, sweet mornin' in May, I wuz at my work in the yard with Fortner thet wuz my son's name fixin' up the kittles ter dye some yarn fur a coat fur him.

As I went into Dreamland Park, it seemed agin as if all the folks in the city wuz there in the immense inner court, surrounded by amusements on every side. They wuz comin' and goin', talkin', laughin', hurryin', santerin', to and fro, fro and to.

She run off in de night some time nobody don't know jis' when; run off to get married to dat young Harney Shepherdson, you know leastways, so dey 'spec. De fambly foun' it out 'bout half an hour ago maybe a little mo' en' I TELL you dey warn't no time los'. Sich another hurryin' up guns en hosses YOU never see!

I was never one for hurryin' the children; bruisin' the tender flax, as you might say. . . But you mustn't be upset if he alloods to you. . . . A very powerful man, when you're used to 'en. So you've a message for Miss Sally? Know her?" The boy had to confess that he did not. "Curious!" the farmer commented. "She's one of the old sort, is Miss Sally.

You can't heave a rock without hittin' one." "I b'lieve she's jest the kind we want," said Captain Perez with conviction. "What do you say, Jerry?" asked Captain Eri. "You're goin' to be the lucky man, you know." "Oh, I don't know. What's the use of hurryin'? More 'n likely the next lot of letters 'll have somethin' better yit."

It is pleasant to see th' citizen afther th' rigors iv a night at home hurryin' to th' mills to toast his numbed limbs in th' warm glow iv th' Bessemer furnace. About this time th' main guy takes a look at the thermometer an' chases th' specyal partner out iv th' office with th' annual report iv th' Civic Featheration.

And seein' the boy seemed to be headed onto theoligy instead of politics, and wantin' to kinder show him off, I says, "Tell the gentleman who made you." He spoke right up prompt, as if hurryin' to get through theoligy, so's to tackle sunthin' else. He answered as exhaustively as an exhauster could at a meetin', "I was made out of dust, and breathed into. I am made out of God and dirt."

"I'm thinkin' by hurryin' the dogs a bit we can make un. The ice'll not go abroad unless the wind blows a good bit stronger than 'tis blowin' now." "Hadn't we better go back and wait until we're sure?" asked Charley anxiously. "If we goes back and waits we'll not be gettin' home to-morrow," Toby objected. "We promises Mother we'd be home by to-morrow night whatever."

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