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"I sure am a good boy to be learning all the time the right way you are teaching me, Melanctha, darling," began Jeff Campbell, laughing, "You can't say no, never, I ain't a good scholar for you to be teaching now, Melanctha, and I am always so ready to come to you every day, and never playing hooky ever from you.

"You see last term Mickey was in my room, and he only came till about the middle of October maybe it was November. Anyway, soon as it got cold he stopped coming. "The teacher thought he was playing hooky, and she told Mr. Alexander, the principal. And he found out that the reason Mickey didn't come to school was 'cause his father didn't send him." "Why didn't his father send him?" asked Sister.

"Look here, 'Rene, I want you to tell me.... Where are you? oh, here! all right.... Now tell me should you say I saw you, by the look of my eyes?" "Indeed I should. Indeed, indeed, nobody could tell. Your eyes look as strong as as that hooky bird's that sits in the sun at the Zoölogical and nictitates ... isn't that the word?... Goes twicky-twick with a membrane...." "Fish eagle, I expect."

It was his boast that his letters always reached their destination eventually. They might be a long time about it, but "slow and sure" was his motto. Hooky emphasized his "slow and sure" by taking a snuff. He was a godsend to the postmistress, for to his failings or the infirmities of his gig were charged all delays.

Indeed, at times he seriously thought of accepting the invitation extended by the Great Chief at Washington immediately after the massacre of his soldiers, and once more revisiting the haunts of civilization, His soul sickened in feverish inactivity; schoolmasters palled on his taste; he had introduced baseball, blind hooky, marbles, and peg-top among his Indian subjects, but only with indifferent success.

The pleasurable expression had returned to his face. "If the secretary of the above-mentioned company has the cheek to play hooky at 3:30 P.M. in the middle of November, I fancy the president can demand to know where she's going, and then go too." Mrs. McChesney unconcernedly fastened the clasp of her smart English glove. "Didn't you take two hours for lunch? Had mine off the top of my desk.

"Whither?" and laid a sheaf of businesslike- looking papers on the top of Mrs. McChesney's well cleared desk. Mrs. McChesney, without turning, performed the cramming process successfully, so that her hat left only a sub-halo of fluffy bright hair peeping out from the brim. Then, "Playing hooky," she said. "Go 'way."

Hooky Sam and two pals tried to rob him, an' him such a poor, lonely old soul, only I stood 'em off, made 'em cut their stick, I did." "But he had a pistol " "What him? Well if so, he didn't have t' use it, my little churi was enough." "Indeed, you are far braver than I was, Diana " "Tush! There's few men as won't cut and run from a female if she's got a knife an' means t' use it."

Our teacher's sick so there isn't any session at the district school to-morrow." "Oh, Curly! Play hooky?" gasped Ruth, clasping her hands. "Yep. Only you girls haven't any pluck." "If I played hooky would you let me go fishing with you to-morrow?" asked Ruth, her eyes dancing. "You haven't the sand," scoffed Curly. "But can I go if I dare run away?" urged Ruth.

For the doctor had raised the leg, and, after taking off the handkerchief, roughly tied round just above the knee, made no scruple about slitting up the lad's trousers with an ugly-looking knife, having a hooky kind of blade. "Bad?" said Mr Reardon anxiously. "Oh dear, no," replied the doctor. "Nice clean cut. Sponge and water, youngster.