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"Did the finger heal up linable, or a crotch in it?" "It's a bit crooked still. Only they say it won't last on to old age, being so young a boy at the time." "Ah! that's where it was. My mother was well on to fifty when I gave her that chop, and she got her hooky finger for life. All the ten years I knew it, it never gave out." Old Phoebe said nothing.

My paw and my maw died when I was jest only a baby; so I was brung up out here at the old county porehouse ez a pauper. I can't remember the time when I didn't have to work for my board and keep, and work hard. While other boys was goin' to school and playin' hooky, and goin' in washin' in the creek, and playin' games, and all sech ez that, I had to work.

This met with the unqualified approval of all, and a few moments later the men had saddled their ponies and were galloping away in the direction of sun-baked Cuivaca. They sang now, and were happy, for they were as little boys playing hooky from school not bad men; but rather irresponsible children.

Never anybody got around Gran the way you do, before. You're a wonder!" Helen and Ann met Ruth in great excitement. "Where under the sun have you been and in that ragged old gym suit?" gasped Helen. "You look as though your face was burnt. I believe you've been playing hooky, Ruth Fielding!" cried Ann. "Right the first time," sighed Ruth, happily. "Oh, I feel so much better.

When, at last, the injured arm was wholly well again, the daring feats of horsemanship of which the boy was capable were listened to with incredulity by the "good" boys of the village school, who never played "hooky" on long summer afternoons, and, in consequence, never had a chance of witnessing The Boy from Zeeny loping up to the "swimmin'-hole," a mile from town, barebacked, with nothing but a halter, and his face turned toward the horse's tail.

That Individual was usually taken most acutely with his ailment on a warm May morning, one of those mornings when the lawless youths of the village decided to play hooky in the afternoon and test the temperature of the swimming-hole.

Frederick sat at his own orderly desk taking stock of the difference between him and his brother. Yes, and if it hadn't been for him, there would have been no home for Tom to die in. Frederick cast back for solace through their joint history. It was he who had always been the mainstay, the dependable one. Tom had laughed and rollicked, played hooky from school, disobeyed Isaac's commandments.

"Let's strike for the afternoon and call it a holiday," suggested Buck. Emma McChesney turned. The train was gone. "T.A., you'll never grow up." "Never want to. Come on, let's play hooky, Emma." "Can't. I've a dozen letters to get out, and Miss Loeb wants to show me that new knicker-bocker design of hers." They drove back to the office almost in silence.

Tom says: "It's as simple as tit-tat-toe, three-in-a-row, and as easy as playing hooky. I should HOPE we can find a way that's a little more complicated than THAT, Huck Finn." "Well, then," I says, "how 'll it do to saw him out, the way I done before I was murdered that time?" "That's more LIKE," he says.

There were, indeed, attributes in the man, very objectionable in the sight of some people, which to her were not specially disagreeable. She thought him rather good-looking than otherwise, in spite of a slight defect in his left eye. His coal-black, glossy hair commanded and obtained her admiration, and she found his hooky nose to be handsome.