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Well, by hooky, whoever it was sure did a good job it was thet shotgun cooked his goose, judgin' from the way his face was peppered. Five thousand dollars oh, hell!" His eyes followed the outline of the valley, able to distinguish the darker silhouette of the cliffs outstanding against the sky sprinkled with stars.

"I went across on the ferry to Oakland," Joe answered, not caring to offer his aching head and body in extenuation. "That is what is called 'playing hooky, is it not?" "Yes, sir," Joe answered. "The night before the examinations, instead of studying, you saw fit to wander away and involve yourself in a disgraceful fight with hoodlums. I did not say anything at the time.

A moment before they had been two rollicking boys off on a lark together playing hooky, perhaps and in the twinkling of an eye some wicked fairy had waved her wand and metamorphosed them into Walter's two grandfathers, who had not spoken to each other since years before the lad was born.

Then he went back to the juj juj juj frf frf frf routine and hated it just as much, but went on. He invented a kind of home-study "hooky" to break the monotony. He would run off a couple of pages of regular exercise, and then turn back to the hunt-and-peck system of typing to work on a story. He took a furtive glee in this; he felt that he was getting away with something.

The "pony" had seen better days than the cart, and always looked as if he were just on the point of succeeding in running away from it. Hooky Crewe was driver; so-called because an iron hook was his substitute for a right arm: Robbie Proctor, the blacksmith, made the hook and fixed it in. Crewe suffered from rheumatism, and when he felt it coming on he stayed at home.

She had pulled off her hat as soon as she returned, and had flung herself into the big dining-room chair. "I do nothing but steal umbrellas. I am so very sorry! Do come in and choose one. Is yours a hooky or a nobbly? Mine's a nobbly at least, I THINK it is."

Tom says: "It's as simple as tit-tat-toe, three-in-a-row, and as easy as playing hooky. I should HOPE we can find a way that's a little more complicated than THAT, Huck Finn." "Well, then," I says, "how 'll it do to saw him out, the way I done before I was murdered that time?" "That's more LIKE," he says.

So what I says is, let's away at the flood and stand away for the Main the sea may be bad now and then, but Indians be worse always and ever!" "Why, as to that, Ned, the Indians ha' left us alone " "Aye!" cried the bony man, "And what o' the wench her was no Indian, I lay! A fine, dainty piece she was, by hooky! And handsome, ah handsome! But for Humphrey's bungling "

'S'pose we want our men walkin' round with bits er lead pipe an' a twitch, an' their hands full o' stones to throw at us, same's if we wuz hogs er hooky keows? More'n that, leavin' out Tedda here an' I guess it's more her maouth than her manners stands in her light there ain't a horse on this farm that ain't a woman's horse, an' proud of it.

I said, picking up the one he pointed at, and smoothing its rich plumage. "Yes, Nat," he said; "what is it?" Uncle Joe took his pipe from his lips, and looked at it very solemnly. "'Tisn't a parrot," he said, "because it has not got a hooky beak." "No, it isn't a parrot, uncle," I exclaimed; "its beak is more like a starling's." "If it were a starling, what family would it belong to?"