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For oft and oft she would speak to me of Bial's father's bank and the heft of the business he wuz a doin'. And I finally got so worked up in my mind that I gin a sly hint to Abram Gee, that if he ever wanted to get Ardelia Tutt, he had better make a summer trip to Saratoga.

Reproduced in Venetian Art at the New Gallery, under Giorgione's name, but unanimously recognised as a work of Licinio. i. 249. Dr. Bode and Signor Venturi both recognise it as Giorgione's work. To what depths of vulgarity the Venetian School could sink in later times, Palma Giovane's "Venus" at Cassel testifies. Repertorium für Kunstwissenschaft. 1896. xix. Band. 6 Heft.

"What foolishness is this?" he said, eying the dripping drum. "Sure, Colonel," said McCann, swinging it on his back, "we'd have no heart in us at Kaskasky widout the rattle of it in our ears. Bill Cowan and me will not be feeling the heft of it bechune us." "Get into ranks," said the Colonel, amusement struggling with the anger in his face as he turned on his heel.

"Solid gold!" he declared, his eyes shining. "Jest heft it, Con," and he passed the nugget to Conroyal. "Wal, I reckon you yunks have made good. Now, let's see what's on that thar piece of skin," and, picking up the map, he smoothed it out on the table and stared down on it, while as many heads as possible crowded close to his head and stared down on the map with him.

"That's the old man's affair," said Trunnell; "it may be his wife, or it may be his daughter, but any one can see that the fellow's pants are entirely too big in the heft for a man. An' his voice! Sink me, Rolling, but you never hearn tell of a man or boy pipin' so soft like. Why, it skeers me to listen to it. It's just like but no matter." "Like what?" I suggested gently, hoping much.

One party did a very foolish trick, which resulted in the loss of an ox; they attempted to cross three head of large cattle all yoked and chained together, and one of the wheelers stepped on a chain that was dragging behind, tripped and fell, pulling his mate with him, thereby bringing such a heft on the ice that it broke through, letting the whole into the water; but the ice being sufficiently strong they could stand on it and pull them out one at a time.

"Ochone!" cried the Irishwoman, "they all have the luck barrin' poor Molly McDogherty." The mica was handled, and George said to her compassionately, "You see, my poor girl, the first thing you should do is to heft it in your hand. Now see, your lump is not heavy like " "Pyrites!" said Isaac, dryly, handing George back his lump. "No! pyrites is heavier than mica and gold than pyrites." "Mr.

"If you want to ketch good fish," said he, sententiously, to Young New York, whose hook persisted in baiting itself with his thumb, "if you want to ketch reel snorters, you must have a heavy line, heavy lead, and gimp tackle. Then take your own time, haul in, hand over hand, and no matter what the heft, you'll be sure to fetch him."

Well, angels have to go to the earth every day millions of them to appear in visions to dying children and good people, you know it's the heft of their business. They appear with their wings, of course, because they are on official service, and because the dying persons wouldn't know they were angels if they hadn't wings but do you reckon they fly with them? It stands to reason they don't.

When the old man died, he willed the boy fifteen thousand dollars. Well, fifteen thousand dollars is a fortune to some folks if they ain't economizin' in New York but to Elkanah 'twas just about enough to make him realize his poverty. So, to make it bigger, he got one of them 'tips' from a college friend down here in Wall Street, and put the heft of ten thousand into it.