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But its character testifies that it cannot have been a change demanded by the plebeians, for the new constitution assigned to them duties alone, and not rights. Both were comprehended in the Servian constitution, but they hardly took place at the same time. Thereupon followed the politically more important step of bringing in the non-burgesses to military duty.

We know of no place where there seems to be such an unusual combination of everything that can be desired, humanly speaking, for such an institution. 'Such boys! Bright-eyed, merry fellows, many really handsome; of that reddish yellow tinge of colour which betokens affinity with Polynesian races, as their language also testifies.

For not only was the presented minister in this case a well-read man; he was also, what the best of the Scottish people have always loved and honoured, a man, as this history testifies, with a tongue as bravely hung as he had a head filled with judgment. In Scotland we like our minister to have a tongue bravely hung, even when that is proved to our own despite.

The second case is impossible, for it would mean that God knows particulars as particulars a thesis we have already disproved. Besides, evil does not come from God directly, since he is pure form and evil comes only from matter. Hence it cannot be said that he punishes the evil doer for his sin. Experience also testifies against this view, for we see the just suffer and the wicked prosper.

Yes, sir, we boys have learned something down there, even if some of us were pretty badly torn for it." Another witness testifies: "Trooper Lewis Bowman, another of the brave Tenth Cavalry, had two ribs broken by a Spanish shell while before San Juan. He told of the battle as follows:"

Now, a theft testifies to a vile and grovelling mind: a murder has at least on its side the appearance of strength; the interest we take in it aesthetically is in proportion to the strength that is manifested in it. A third reason is, because in presence of a deep and horrible crime we no longer think of the quality but the awful consequences of the action.

There is little doubt of the immortality of this good old style, and it testifies to the full heart and perhaps the full glass also of George Borrow; but it was not this passage in particular that made Whitwell Elwin call his writing "almost affectedly simple." "Lavengro" in 1851 and "The Romany Rye" in 1857 failed to impress the critics or the public.

"I am one of the few people in the world who do not forget their own lives," he boasted. His Garden of Verses testifies to the truth of this statement. When he was a man over thirty, he bridged the gulf of years, and wrote of the golden days of childhood.

Finally, I may remark that Beccari's claim to be considered the originator of the pastoral drama was made in spite of his being perfectly well acquainted with Cintio's Egle, as a passage in the first scene of Act III testifies. There is, indeed, no reason to suppose that any writer before Carducci ever considered Cintio's play as belonging to the realm of pastoral.

Mary, the mother of Jesus, gives her word of honor that Joseph was not the father of her child, and Joseph himself testifies that he is not Jesus' father, but Mr. Jones pays no attention to their testimony; he wishes Joseph to be the father of Jesus, and that ought to be sufficient evidence, he thinks.