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Updated: August 16, 2024

This was hard to bear; and when Sir Charles went away, Mary Wells ran in, with an angry expression on the tip of her tongue. She found Lady Bassett in a pitiable condition, lying rather than leaning on the table, with her hair loose about her, sobbing as if her heart would break. All that was good in Mary Wells tugged at her heart-strings.

'Now I want some yards of muslin with a nice, fierce pattern, please. He got it yellow with black tulips and returned heavily laden. 'Sorry to have kept you, said he. 'Now we'll go to my quarters to change and beautify. We came to them opposite a dun waste of parade-ground that might have been Mian Mir and bugles as they blew and drums as they rolled set heart-strings echoing.

Of the particular acts which she has stated, I have no personal knowledge, as they occurred before my remembrance; but of the spirit that prompted them, and that constantly displays itself in scenes of similar horror, the recollections of my childhood, and the effaceless imprint upon my riper years, with the breaking of my heart-strings, when, finding that I was powerless to shield the victims, I tore myself from my home and friends, and became an exile among strangers all these throng around me as witnesses, and their testimony is graven on my memory with a pen of fire.

Then followed these lines, written with a trembling hand, some of the words being almost illegible: "I cannot love as I have loved, And yet I know not why; It is the one great woe of life, To feel all feeling die; And one by one the heart-strings snap, As age comes on so chill; And hope seems left, that hope may cease, And all will soon be still.

He made as though throwing her from him, with a gesture of contempt that stung her to life. 'Oh, Charley! she cried, springing to him, 'dunnot cut me to the quick; have pity on me, though he had none. I did so love thee; it was my very heart-strings as gave way when they told me thou was drowned feyther, and th' Corneys, and all, iverybody.

And I suppose you don't want to part with your last child now, do you? It's like breaking your heart-strings, now, ain't it?" he said, in his most sentimental lecture voice. "Well, no, I can't say it is. Mattie's welcome in my house while I live, but of course she'll leave me some day, and I'll wish her joy." "Why should that be? My dear sir, why should that be?"

If a mere disciple could do so much, they thought, surely the Master himself could do much more: as, perhaps, lead the Lu armies to universal victory. So they sent him a cordial invitation, with no words as to the warlike views that prompted it. High in hope, Confucius set out; these fourteen years his native country had been pulling at his heart-strings, and latterly, more insistently than ever.

My readers must remember that there are very many pretty, sweet, amiable girls and women sitting at their pianos, and finding chords to the music of their heart-strings. If I have pictured Number Five as one of her lambs might do it, I have succeeded in what I wanted to accomplish. Why don't I describe her person?

All men, be they kings or beggars, civilised or savage, rich or poor, wise or foolish, cultured or illiterate, breathe the same breath, hunger and thirst, eat and drink, sleep, are smitten by the same diseases, and die at last the same death. We have all of us one human heart. Tears and grief, gladness and smiles, move us all. Hope, fear, love, play the same music upon all heart-strings.

But now, the inexhaustible spring of indulgence for those who really hold our heart-strings was dried up in a moment, and a flood of odious, abominable suspicion overwhelmed me instead. This sudden invasion of a horrible, torturing idea was not lasting. I could not have borne it.

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