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Updated: August 5, 2024

Thou dost stone my heart, And mak'st me call, what I intent to do, A murder, which I thought a sacrifice. This line is difficult. Thou hast harden'd my heart, and makest me kill thee with the rage of a MURDERER, when I thought to have sacraficed thee to justice with the calmness of a priest striking a victim.

Indeed, he look'd pitiable, sitting there and stammering: but I harden'd my heart to say "I must have a confession, then, written before I leave the room." "But, dear young friend, you will not use it if I give up all? You will not seek my life? that already is worthless, as you see." "Why, 'tis what you deserve. But Delia shall say when I find her as I shall go straight to seek her.

The whole Mass was encompass'd with a callous Matter, under which they found all the Parts of a Child harden'd and half putrified; and these weigh'd Eight Pound. They cut up all the Viscera in the three Cavities, the particulars whereof may be read in Mr. This is the Account given by Mr. Baile. I come now to extraordinary Conceptions.

The Ladies suffer'd a little the first Winter, but after that were so thoroughly harden'd that they improv'd upon the Contrivers by adding near 2 Yards to its Extension, and the Duke of Marlboro' having about the same Time beat the French, the Gallic Ladies dropt their Pretensions, and left the British Misstresses of the Field; the Tokens whereof are worn in Triumph to this Day, having outlasted the Colors in Westminster Hall, and almost that great General's Glory."

But harden'd by affronts, and still the same, Lost to all sense of honour and of fame, Thou yet canst love to haunt the great man's board, And think no supper good but with a lord. WHEN Diogenes was once asked, what kind of wine he liked best? he answered, "That which is drunk at the cost of others."

"He was greatly in Dread of Dying, for that he was in mortal Terrour of old Shooba, fearing to Meet that Evil Being outside of the Flesh. Had been with Shooba when the wretched Creature passed away, a harden'd Heathen among Convert'd & Profess'd Christians. Said he was a Snake Soul. "The man was craz'd with Fear, dreading Shooba to be even then in the Room.

For 'tis most certain, that every glance from his piercing, wondrous eyes, begets a trembling adoration; for my part, I swear to you, Philander, I never approach his sacred person, but my heart beats, my blood runs cold about me, and my eyes overflow with tears of joy, while an awful confusion seizes me all over; and I am certain should the most harden'd of your bloody rebels look him in the face, the devilish instrument of death would drop from his sacrilegious hand, and leave him confounded at the feet of the royal forgiving sufferer; his eyes have in them something so fierce, so majestic, commanding, and yet so good and merciful, as would soften rebellion itself into repenting loyalty; and like Caius Marius, seem to say, 'Who is it dares hurt the King? They alone, like his guardian angels, defend his sacred person: oh! what pity it is, unhappy young man, thy education was not near the King.

"The outmost crowd have heard a sound, Like horse's hoof on harden'd ground; Nearer it came, and yet more near The very deathsmen pause to hear!"

Down in the abysms of New World humanity there had form'd and harden'd a primal hardpan of national Union will, determin'd and in the majority, refusing to be tamper'd with or argued against, confronting all emergencies, and capable at any time of bursting all surface bonds, and breaking out like an earthquake.

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