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Updated: August 20, 2024

Their guide had already drawn a key from a pocket, and had unsnapped the heavy padlock. "Step right in, young gentlemen, h'and h'I'll follow h'and show h'it to you." Unsuspecting, the three middies stepped inside the darkened shed. Suddenly the door banged, and a padlock clicked outside. "Here, stop that, you rascally joker!" roared Dalzell, wheeling about. "What does this mean?"

H'I'll got it h'all those letter here. H'I'll change the coat on the lighthouse, maybe, h'an H'I'll got the coat of Guillaume witt' h'all those letter in her, yass?" And he now handed me the entire packet of letters, which I had supposed left far behind us on the previous day! I took the letters from him, and handed all of them but one to Edouard's old body servant to put in the office mail.

'Polyte, the pilot, stood, cap in hand, and asked me to one side. "Pardon, Monsieur," said he, "but those gentilhommes those fat one ees eet she'll was Monsieur Davelson who'll H'I'll got letter on heem from those lighthouse, heem?" "Why, yes, 'Polyte the letter you said would take four days to get to New Orleans." 'Polyte smiled sheepishly. "He'll wouldn't took four days now, Monsieur!

Dave had just succeeded in binding this up when they heard footsteps approaching. Jamming themselves hard into a crevice of ice, Jarvis whispered: "H'I'll fight t' a finish before h'I go back to that white prison of the bloomin' 'eathen." Dave made no response. The steps came nearer, then began to die away. "Didn't sound like the bloomin' 'eathen," muttered Jarvis.

"Is that here at Plymouth?" "H'assuredly, sir. H'and h'only a minute's walk h'over to that shed yonder, sir. H'if you'll come with me, young gentlemen, h'I'll show h'it to you. H'it's one of h'our biggest sights, h'and it's in me own custody, at present. Come this way, young gentlemen." "That sounds like something worth seeing," declared Dave to his comrades. "Come along.

"The bally, blithering unnatural 'eathen hev flew the h'ivory coops. T'was to be expected. I 'ates t' think what h'I'd a-done, 'ad h'I 'ad the say of it." "Oh, well," said the Doctor, who was inclined to take Jarvis' quarrel with the natives rather lightly, "in twenty-four hours we'll be away from these shores never to return." "Return?" exclaimed Jarvis. "H'I'll return, an' Dave 'ere'll return.

"And how long will it take us to get in to the plantation of Monsieur Edouard, above, there?" "'Ow long?" "Yes." "H'I'll could not said, Monsieur. Maybe three four day 'sais pas." "Holy Mackinaw!" I remarked, sotto voce. "Pardon?" remarked 'Polyte respectfully. "Le Machinaw que-est-que-ce-que-est, ca?" "It is my patron saint, 'Polyte," I explained, and he crossed himself for his mistake.

"No near's soft and glidin'. 'Ere 'e comes back. H'I'll 'ave a look." Creeping close to a corner, he peered cautiously out, then with a roar: "Blime me, it's Rainey!" He sprang from concealment, almost embracing the young gob in his delight. It was a joyful meeting that took place between the united parties.

Immediately a line of fire was kindled and its light, reflected again and again by the dazzling whiteness of their prison walls, made the whole place as light as day. At once Jarvis gave a cry of surprise and began crawling toward the farthest side. "H'I told you there was minerals," he exclaimed. "E's a rich un, this bloomin' 'eathen. H'it's gold, h'I'll be blowed!"

"H'I'll was work for Monsieur Edouard manny tam hon hees boat, hon hees plantation, hon hees 'ouse. When I'll want some leetle money, s'pose those hrat he'll wasn't been prime yet, hall H'I'll need was to go non Monsieur Edouard, hask for those leetle monny. He'll han' it on me, yass, heem, ten dollar, jus' like as heasy Monsieur has gave it me hondred dollar now, yas, heem!" "Yes?

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