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Updated: August 17, 2024

"Och!" exclaimed Squill, starting up, as did all his companions; but no other sound was uttered for a few seconds. Then a deep "thank God" escaped from Grummidge, and Little Stubbs tried to cheer, but with small success; while one or two, sitting down again, laid their thin faces in their hands and wept.

We're all strong and healthy, too, so what's the use worryin', as I say to Henry." Say, she had Mrs. Wiggs lookin' like a consistent grouch, Ma Grummidge did. Rowena, too, is more or less of an optimist. She's about 16, built a good deal on her mother's lines, and big enough to tackle almost any kind of work, but I take it that thus far she ain't done much except help around the flat.

"A blind man says he doesn't see the sun, and don't believe in it," rejoined Grummidge: "does that prove that there's no sun?" Here Master Trench interposed. "My lads," he said, "don't you think that instead of talking rubbish it would be wise to scatter yourselves along the coast and see what you can pick up from the wreck?

"There will be trouble in the camp before long, I see plainly enough," remarked Paul, looking in the direction of the disputants. "These two men, Swinton and Grummidge, are too well-matched in body and mind and self-will to live at peace, and I foresee that they will dispute your right to command."

"A merman if it's anything," said Squill; "sure there was never a maid in the say, or out of it, as would tug like that." "That depends," said Grummidge. "I've had 'em tuggin' at my heart-strings worse than that many a time." "Look out! Here it comes," cried Oliver, as something huge and white was seen to flash wildly in the green depths. "Have the cleek ready."

"Well, then," resumed Grummidge, "I see Swinton with his three friends a-comin'. I'll expect you to stand by an' see fair play, for he's rather too ready wi' his knife." While he spoke the comrade in question was seen approaching, with Fred Taylor and David Garnet, carrying a quantity of cod-fish that had just been caught.

He was interrupted here by the sudden entrance of Hendrick and Paul themselves, accompanied by Bearpaw and the sentries. To one of the latter the chief gave an order, and the man, drawing his knife, advanced to Grummidge. The seaman instinctively shrank from him, but was agreeably surprised on having his bonds cut. The others having also been liberated, the chief said:

"Well said, little master," cried Grummidge, while a general laugh of approval went round. Seeing that there was a symptom of better feeling among some of the men, Master Trench was about to make an appeal to them, when "Land ho!" was shouted by the look-out in stentorian tones. The excitement caused by the sight of land was tremendous.

"It's wishin', I am, that I might see wan o' yer family alive," said Squill, as he turned over the dead arms; "but I'd rather not be embraced by ye. Och! what a hug ye could give an' as to howldin' on a thousand limpets would be nothin' to ye." "A miser grippin' his gold would be more like it," suggested Grummidge.

They came on us behind the big store, t'other side o' the settlement, and, after lettin' fly at us took to their heels. The lads are after them. I got separated from the boys, and was shot, as you see, so I came hah! pull gently, Grummidge came back here that you might haul it out, for it's hard to run an' fight with an arrow in your back."

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