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The "Fat Marie" was already alongside the long dock, but she now moved up a little further to make room for her companion boat, the "River Queen," which latter Phil had nicknamed the "Yellow Peril." "Let's see, where do we stow our belongings, Phil?" "On the 'Fat Marie." "If that name don't sink her, nothing will," said Teddy, with a broad grin.

You think what you like, Brill, and we'll stick to our opinions," Yeager replied cheerfully. "And when I get good and ready I'll act on mine," Healy replied with an evil grin. "If you find it right convenient. I expect Keller ain't exactly a wooden cigar Indian. Maybe he'll have a say-so in what's doing," suggested Yeager. "About as much as he had last time," sneered the round-up boss.

"Why, what have you been doing with yourself?" exclaimed the Captain, in blank dismay. "Where have you been?" Albeit dilapidated in his general exterior, Bob had not lost his voice; his powers of speech being happily still unimpaired. "I'm all right," he answered with an attempt at a grin. "I'm all right!"

They also regarded it as their providential duty to emphasize the joke to sharpen up the point by scoring about a hundred and ten points on the scared young greenhorns who would have to play for us. All our ex-players stood up and gave them a big cheer when they came. So did everybody else. It's always a matter of policy to grin and joke while you're being dissected. Nothing like cheerfulness.

The name decided, we went downstairs in a line to welcome Bella, to try to make her feel at home, and to forget her deplorable situation. Leila had worked herself into a really sympathetic frame of mind. "Poor dear," she said, on the way down. "Now don't grin, anybody, just be cordial and glad to see her. I hope she doesn't cry; you know the spells she takes."

Tell me again just what it was you saw and what it looked like." "I won't let no man tell me what my duties are," snorted Anderson, his stars trembling with injured pride. "Of course I'm going to solve the mystery. We've got to see what's inside that house. I thought it was tramps at first." "Well, lead on, then; I'll follow!" said Bonner with a grin.

It was impossible for June to miss the dismay that found outlet in the fallen jaw and startled eyes. In the stranger's grin was triumphant malice. "You sure look glad to see me, Pete, and us such old friends too. Le's see, I ain't seen you since since " He stopped, as though his memory were at fault, but June sensed the hint of a threat in the uncompleted sentence.

"Oh, don't mention it!" exclaimed the Wolf; "no doubt we shall find something for dinner presently don't you think so, children?" he asked, turning to the others. "I was going to say," recommenced the Outcast, "that I could not ask you to eat just here, but I was actually on my way to invite you to a big feeding." The Timber Wolf bared his fangs in a grin of derisive unbelief.

At her short hair, the other servants laughed, "Miss Clo needn't strut round so big, she got short nappy har well as I," said Nell, with a broad grin that showed her teeth. "She tinks she white, when she come here wid dat long har of hers," replied Mill. "Yes," continued Nell; "missus make her take down her wool so she no put it up to-day."

"Then, Carroll, you'll have to do it when his big friend is not round." Carroll's answer was a perfect flood of profanity, copious enough to include not only the Old Prospector, Shock, all the relatives living and dead, but Crawley, who stood listening with a sarcastic grin on his evil face. "Well, well," at last said Crawley soothingly, "your time will come.