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As fur back as the time I was gittin' the seed in, them hens of Widder Sidene Pike, that lives next farm to mine, began their hellishness, with that old wart-legged ostrich of a rooster of her'n to lead 'em.

"I heard your horse whinner," Teeters replied, politely, rising. "This banany belt's gittin' colder every winter." The stranger broke off an icicle and laid it on the stove to hear it sizzle. "I was jest fixin' to turn in," Teeters hinted. "Last night I didn't sleep good. I tossed and thrashed around until half-past eight 'fore I closed my eyes." "I won't keep you up, then.

The Yankee, who had now recovered his self-possession, met the question without the slightest show of hesitation: "I expect you mean, young man," he said, with insufferable insolence, "a help as I had from Hartley's farm, to assist gittin' down the things. He took home along shore when I went back to the hut for the small bores."

"The rifle be gone from the hangin's, and the tracks in the snow be hern. Yis, yis, I see it all. She went out in hope of gittin' the leetle uns here somethin' to eat, and that was her rifle we heerd, and her bullit made that hole in the ham of the buck. What a disapp'intment to the poor creetur when she seed she hadn't hit him! Her heart eena'most broke, I dare say.

But there ain't the chance to neighbor that townfolks has, an' I do seem to have more lonely hours than I used to when I was younger. I don't know but I shall soon be gittin' too old to live alone." And she turned to her niece with an expectant, lovely look, and Abby smiled back. "I often wish I could run in an' see you every day, aunt," she answered. "I have been sayin' so to Mrs. Hand."

Seemed like they was ridin' over from the old camp on the Frayne road. There was twenty-five or thirty of 'em, I should say, coming at a lope." "Cavalry?" asked Dean, a queer look in his face. "No, sir. They rode dispersed like. They was a mile away when I sighted them, and it was gittin' so black then I don't think they saw me at all.

For several minutes the two stood glaring at each other with glittering eyes and gleaming teeth. "Rans Vane, I swore I'd git even with ye fur all you did agin' me and mine ten year ago. I reckin you're gittin' a leetle o' the sufferin " "Stop," hoarsely. "No I won't. I want ye ter know that I hain't forgot. I know'd you'n the gal came West arter the ole man died, but I didn't know whar.

"When he gits out the frogs ain't fur behind." "We'll be gittin' on to the ground by next Monday," said Sam Dingley to a crowd who were seated on the newly painted harrows and seeders which "Svend & Johnson" had got out ready for the spring trade.

"It's gittin' t'wards dinner time, chile," she said tenderly, "an' time I was dressin' my queen gal for dinner an sendin' her out to get roses in her cheeks." "Oh, Mammy, don't don't dress me that way any more. I am I am to be after this just a mill girl, you know?" There was a sob and her head sank lower over the piano.

He lowered his spear and brought up a struggling frog. Throwing it into a covered box, he peered again into the water. "Where's Lon?" he said, straightening again with another victim. "To Tarrytown." "What's he to Tarrytown fer?" "He's a gittin' Flea and Flukey. That's where they runned to." "He ain't found 'em, has he? Truth, now!"