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He wasna' buried there, for they aye burned their dead. What make ye o' that, mam?" "He sprang doon to get clear of the savages," said the woman. "Weel, it's likely enough, and a' the professors from Edinburgh couldna gie a better reason. I wish you were aye here, mam, to answer a' oor difficulties sae readily. Now, here's the altar that we foond last week. There's an inscreeption.

We had been discussing the pros and cons of illicit distilling known inland as "smuggling" and I found that Willy agreed with the general opinion of the district that the only harm in it was the penalty due "'gin ye get foond oot by the gauger." He assured me that in his young days the practice was widespread.

There was no shyness now, in spite of the priest's presence in spite of the eager faces that sought hers in anxious questioning. "Mither, Mither!" she screamed shrilly, as she caught sight of the familiar face she sought, and rushed toward her mother's open arms. It was little Peggy, Bell's younger sister. "Oh, Mither," she wailed through her sobs, "oor Jessie's nae to be foond! She's nae at hame.

I've been asked afore noo tae describe that soond, but I've aye foond that it's no' vera easy tae gie a clear idea o't, though it was unlike any other soond that ever I hearkened tae.

I've tauld ye a' aboot it noo, and I havena a word tae add or tae withdraw. I'm muckle obleeged tae Maister Mathew Clairk for puttin' it a' doon in writin' for me, and if there's ony would wish tae speer onything mair o' me I'm well kenned and respeckit in Ecclefechan, and Maister McNeil, the factor o' Wigtown, can aye tell where I am tae be foond.

"It seems tae me," says he, turnin' tae the factor, "that this is the vera man I want. Servants is spoilt noo-a-days," says he, "by ower muckle eddication. I hae nae doobt, Stakes, that ye will suit me well enough. Ye'll hae three pund a month and a' foond, but I shall resairve the right o' givin' ye twenty-four hoors' notice at any time. How will that suit ye?"

We were still standin' opposite each ither he wi' his knife and me wi' the stick when the general he cam up the drive and foond us. Tae my surprise he began tae talk tae the stranger as if he'd kenned him a' his days. "Put your knife in your pocket, Corporal," says he. "Your fears have turned your brain." "Blood an' wounds!" says the other.

He should have lairnt that if ye forbid a lassie and a laddie to dae anything it's just the surest way o' bringin' it aboot. The Lord foond that oot in the gairden o' Paradise, and there's no muckle change between the folk in Eden and the folk in Wigtown. There's ane thing that I havena spoke aboot yet, but that should be set doon.

"It's a kind, friendly letter," I remarked, as I handed it back. "He speaks very nicely about you all." "If only for the sake of the bairns, sir, I'm very thankful that we've foond sae guid a friend," she said with much feeling. Jeemsie peeped in at the door just then. He was quite a handsome little chap, with regular features and a rather intelligent face.

They're always the first to gie their services for a benefit when there's a disaster or a visitation upon a community. They'll earn their money and gie it awa' to them that's in distress. Yet there's few to help them, save themselves, when trouble comes to them. There's another curious thing I've foond. And that's the way that many a man wull go tae ony lengths to get a free pass for the show.