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This was not all: being presented to Monsieur de Freytorens, professor of law, who loved music, and who gave concerts at his house, nothing would do but I must give him a proof of my talents, and accordingly I set about composing a piece for his concerts, as boldly as if I had really understood the science. Quel injustice! Quio, tu Clarice Trahiriot tes feux? &'c.

When it turned out that Sebastopol was anything but taken, Mr. Cavendish Dusautoy's incredulity was a precious confirmation of his esteem for his own sagacity, more especially as Ulick O'More and Maurice had worn out the little brass piece of ordnance in firing feux de joie. 'But, said Maurice, 'papa always said it was not true.

This was not all: being presented to Monsieur de Freytorens, professor of law, who loved music, and who gave concerts at his house, nothing would do but I must give him a proof of my talents, and accordingly I set about composing a piece for his concerts, as boldly as if I had really understood the science. Quel injustice! Quio, tu Clarice Trahiriot tes feux? &'c.

Emperor Napoleon III. Eugenie. Fitz Quihou. Glorie de Belgique. Gloria Mundi. Gueldres Rose. Honneur de Flandre. Imperator. Jules Caesar. La Superbe. Louis Hellebuyck. Madame Baumann. Marie Verschaffelt. Mathilde. Meteor. Nancy Waterer. Ne Plus Ultra. Optima. Pallas. Queen Victoria. Reine des Belges. Remarquable. Roi des Belges. Roi des Feux. Sinensis rosea. Sulphurea. Triumphans. Unique.

Here Monsieur Moineau, a French emigre, and our Gallic tutor, cried out lustily, "You shall force that door, never jamais, jamais my pretty garcons, mes chers pupils, be good, be quiet go you couch yourselves les feux d'artifice! bah! they worth noding at all you go to bed.

Chevalier Emo is deservedly a favourite with them, and we used to talk whole evenings of him and of General Elliott; the bombarding of Tunis, and defence of Gibraltar. The news-papers spoke of some fireworks exhibited in England in honour of their hero; they were "vrayment feux de joye" said an agreeable Venetian, they were not feux d'artifice.

Upon how many a festal procession had those Olympians looked down since that famous house-warming, when the colours were fresh from the painter's brush, and when the third Lord Fareham's friend and gossip, King James, deigned to witness the representation of Jonson's "Time Vindicated," enacted by ladies and gentlemen of quality, in the great saloon, a performance which with the banquet and confectionery brought from Paris, and "the sweet waters which came down the room like a shower from heaven," as one wrote who was present at that splendid entertainment, and the feux d'artifice on the river cost his lordship a year's income, but stamped him at once a fine gentleman.

The result showed thirty-two villages and hamlets, with seven hundred dwellings, about four thousand families, and twelve thousand adult persons, or a total population of at least twenty thousand. His words are, "de feux enuiron deux mille, et enuiron douze mille personnes." There were two families to every fire.

Au jardin des amours ta place est réservée, Parmi des feux de joie et des lilas en fleurs. Viens réveiller en nous de nouvelles ardeurs Descends avec la nuit, ainsi que la rosée Tant que l'astre d'argent sourit

I believe no apology need be made for subjoining here, another very favourite song in the French army: One of our party heard it sung by a body of French soldiers, who were on their return to their homes, from the campaign of Moscow. L'Astre de nuit dans son paisible eclat Lanca ses feux sur les tentes de la France, Non loin de camp un jeune et beau soldat Ainsi chantoit appuyè sur sa lance.