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There is a maiden aunt o' my own she wass niver marrit, an' she wass niver likely to be, for besides bein' poor an' plain, an' mittle-aged, which are not in my opeenion objectionable, she had an uncommon bad temper. Yet she wass all her life influenced by the notion that half the young men o' the place wass wantin' to marry her! though the possibeelities in her case wass fery small."

These two guards at the door, besides other difficulties, render it altogether impracticable. I know not what is to be done." It was some seconds before M'Kay made any reply. At length "I'll no think ta difficulty fery crate, after all, my letty," replied John. "There's shust ta bodachan at ta dore, I could put in my sporran, and ta twa soger."

I feel it fery deep. It might not matter to zome Nordthern zhentlemen, but I am dthe most sensible man you ever know." "Sensible!" I say, in a tone scarcely flattering, trying to keep my lips from twitching. "Yes, I am terrible sensible; a fery leedle dthing vill hurt me." "Well, well, I'll be your friend, anyhow, and I'll try to be very considerate.

"That may be all fery true, my frund," returned Fergus, "nevertheless I'm goin' to follow up his track, for it is sure that he took no proveesions wi' him, an' it was too dark for me to see if he escaped wi' his gun. Dan is a strong man, but the strongest man will be findin' himself in diffeeculties without grub.

We would hef been respecting him fery much to-day, and it would hef been a good lesson oh yes, a fery good lesson to all traitors." As they got more confidential, Janet began to speak of signs and dreams, and Carmichael asked her if she had the second sight. "No; it iss not a lie I will be telling you, my dear, nor will I be boasting.

"It iss the Virgin Mary you will be coming to next, no doubt, and the Cross and the Mass, like the Catholics, although I am not saying anything against them, for my mother's cousins four times removed were Catholics, and fery good people. But I am a Presbyterian, and do not want the Virgin Mary."

"It is fery curious and amusing, yes: but I am afraid the Prince may be annoyt. He acted wiz his usual decision always he acts wiz wonterful decision. Like Napoleon. Directly he was tolt of your descent into the camp at Dornhof, he said, 'Pring him! pring him! It is my schtar! His schtar of Destiny! You see? He will be dthwarted. He directed you to come as Herr Pooterage, and you haf not done so.

Tell him that, Tonal', an' say that I am fery much obleeged to him for all the forethought and trouble he hes taken." Whether Donald translated all this as it was delivered we know not. From the peculiar cast of his mind, however, coupled with the moderate depth of his knowledge of the Indian tongue, it is probable that his translation was neither literal nor comprehensive.

"You know me to-day?" "You are a sun goddess. Helen, what does it mean?" "New York agrees vit' me," Her laugh was irresistible low and sweet, a laugh that made the glad day brighter. "How not? It is vun fine large city." We laughed together to the memory of Actinia. "I am a goot organism. T'e bat organisms vish to scratch me; but t'ey are not so fery bat. In time ve may teach t'em gootness."

One of us asked him with how many tongues he was familiar, and he answered, with an apologetic aspect, 'Onily twelf. What could we have for dinner? 'Fery good dinner, gentlemen. There is red mullet, there is tomato farcie, there is qvail, We elected finally to dine on something which was announced as roast beef and looked suspiciously like horse.