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But it was something quite different that Bella was telling her fellow-servant, after throwing herself down in one of the kitchen chairs and laughing hysterically till she cried and choked. "Oh, don't be such a stupid," grunted plump Martha, standing over her and thumping her back. "What is it you have seen? Don't keep it all to yourself. What are you laughing at? You will have a fit directly."

Near Aberystwyth, Professor Rhys was told of a servant-maid who was lost while looking for some calves. Her fellow-servant, a man, was taken into custody on a charge of murdering her.

"Silvia, I speak to you, and you, Sir Thurio; for Valentine, I need not bid him do so." They were here interrupted by the entrance of Proteus, and Valentine introduced him to Silvia, saying, "Sweet lady, entertain him to be my fellow-servant to your ladyship." When Valentine and Proteus had ended their visit, and were alone together, Valentine said, "Now tell me how all does from whence you came?

"No, dear child, I have no such feeling toward you: if I had, should I not be very much like that wicked servant to whom his lord had forgiven a debt of ten thousand talents, yet who refused to have compassion on his fellow-servant who owed him a hundred pence? I should, indeed; for my sins against God have been far greater, and more heinous, than yours against me or mine."

While he stood talking at the door, a well-dressed genteel-looking upper servant maid came up the steps, and was hastily passing them when, turning round to answer some question that her fellow-servant asked her, she fixed her eyes on John, and giving a violent scream, exclaimed "John Telfer, I am sure!"

That I am not able to say what caused the sudden fright, which my mistress informed me had seized the lady on her first coming into the house. The cause was never explained, either to me or to my fellow-servant. The above statement has been read over in my presence. I have nothing to add to it, or to take away from it. I say, on my oath as a Christian woman, this is the truth.

Guinness, you think I ought not to look upon Catharine as another man would? I should regard a wife only as a fellow-servant of the Lord? I oughtn't to to make love to Kitty, in short?" "She is a dear, pious child. I love to think of her in the midst of your Reformed boys," said the lady evasively. There was another pause.

"Sans culottes" and the "Bonnet Rouge" for those who like them; but, as a matter of choice, I prefer a pair of decent "inexpressibles" and a Lincoln and Bennett "chapeau!" As the elder Capulet's first scullion sagely remarked to his fellow-servant "When good manners shall lie all in one or two men's hands, and they unwashed too, 'tis a foul thing!"

Sarah hurried off to quicken the preparations of her fellow-servant below, her movements somewhat accelerated by Bob shouting out the cruel refrain of the "forget-me-not poem!" "Ah, but," put in the Captain, "the `good Sarah' did not forget her head this time, at any rate! You'll have to alter your poem, Master Bob!"

Let me introduce him. Mr Frank Gowan, Captain Sir Robert Gowan's son, and my fellow-servant with his Royal Highness. Frank, this happens to be a friend of mine Mr George Selby." "I am very glad to meet any friend of Andrew Forbes," said the stranger, raising his hat with a most formal bow. "I know Sir Robert slightly."